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The French & Indian War Chapter 8 Lesson 1.

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1 The French & Indian War Chapter 8 Lesson 1

2 FYI The events that led to the American Revolution began about 20 years before the 13 colonies cut ties with England

3 Rivalry in the Ohio Valley
Many Native Americans lived in this region. French and British each believed the land was theirs. French- important link to their holding in Canada British- saw it for trade and growth.

4 Governor Robert Dinwiddie
*Dinwiddie wanted French to leave. *French did not want to leave. *Dinwiddie orders troops to build fort at the Forks of Ohio. *French attacked and build a larger fort & Called it Fort Duquesne (Doo*Kayn)

5 Dinwiddie sent Washington to check on the fort- on their way, they were surprised by a small group of French soldiers. *Thinking they may be attacked they built a make shift fort called “For Necessity”. *600 French Soldiers/100 Indians attack Fort Necessity. *Washington and his troops surrender and head back to Virginia.

6 The Albany Plan of Union
*Iroquois become an important allies for both Britain and France. *British Government urges Colonist to meet.

7 The Colonies Unite! Shown in the Pennsylvania Gazette
*Colonies have to be united to fight off the French. *Benjamin Franklin (one of the Delegates) created cartoon to help get support. *Picture discusses an old tale about snakes- if your cut it into pieces it would come to life again if put back together before sunset. Shown in the Pennsylvania Gazette

8 Braddock’ Defeat Edward Braddock commanded British forces. *George Washington is an adviser. *Braddock wants to capture Fort Duquesne. *2 hours French/Indian fired at British (attack)= 2/3 British dead. *French/Indian continued to attack colonists. British were trained to fight out in the open, while the French and Indians fired behind trees and boulders.

9 Britain Wins North America
Chapter 8, Lesson 2

10 The British Road to Victory
*British capture 3 French Forts and three the following year. *Close a troop around French Canada *Capture Montreal *French/Indian War or “7 years war” ends in 1763

11 Is this war worth fighting for?
Maryland Gazette published an article to get support for the war. This was published by the British and their perspective on why the war was worth fighting for. Why did the British fight with the French in the first place?

12 Pontiac’s Rebellion *Native Americans did not welcome British Settlers
*Chief Pontiac fights the settlers. *1763 attacked British Forts to get guns and supplies. *Eventually signs a peace treaty.

13 The Proclamation on 1763 *British blame rebellion on Colonists- don’t think that colonists should have land rights. *Westward movement was stopped to stop fighting and get all under control. *Proclamation of British could not buy land west of the Appalachians. *Bill of rights was enlisted to not take certain rights away from the people.

14 Americas Continue West
*Proclamation did not stop colonial pioneers *Continued their push west to the frontier *Daniel Boone leads the Pioneers.

15 Colonists Speak Out Chapter 8, Lesson 3

16 The Sugar Act Parliament begins to pass new tax laws.
Added a tax on sugar and other goods coming into the colonies. No voice on the new tax laws. James Otis spoke out while others sided with the British.

17 The Stamp Act Placed a tax on newspapers, almanacs, pamphlets etc.
Colonists were hired as tax collectors Colonists did not have any representation Protest started.

18 The Stamp Act Congress Colonial leaders came to meet about the Stamp Act If you did not obey, you were tried in court. British officers were allowed to break into homes. Declaration of rights was created by the colonists.

19 The Boston Massacre

20 Boston Massacre More than 9,000 soldiers in the 13 colonies (sent by Parliament) Having British Soldiers angered the colonists. Colonists made up nicknames for the British (Lobsters, Redcoats, Bloodybacks) Many fights broke out Massacre resulted in 5 colonists dead.

21 The Road to War Chapter 8, Lesson 4

22 The Boston Tea Party

23 The Boston Tea Party British repealed all taxes except for tea tax.
British had a “Monopoly” on tea, it was called the East India Company. Colonists could no longer make money on tea because the British tea was so cheap. Colonists boycotted tea. Colonists broke into ships disguised as indians and threw all of the tea into the harbor.

24 Intolerable Acts

25 Intolerable Acts Parliament was mad about Boston Tea Party.
Passed new laws to punish colonists: Closed port until colonists clean up tea. Passed Gov. Act- Colonists in Massachusetts could not hold town meetings. Had to “Quarter” British Soldiers (feed and provide shelter) Intolerable Acts was how the colonists felt about unfair laws.

26 First Continental Congress
Colonists met to figure out how to deal with the British. They first met in September of 1774 at Philadelphia’s Carpenter Hall. Since it was the first type of meeting in North America they later called it the “First Continental Congress”. 56 delegates were there to represent the colonies. Stated that the Colonists have the rights to “Life, Liberty and Property”

27 Lexington & Concord Colonists organize a militia unit.
“Sons of Liberty” - > Paul Revere who rode his horse to Lexington to warn two important colonists (Hancock and Adams) that the British were coming. British get to Concord and there is fighting. After they go to Lexington and fighting continues. Begins the long bitter war between the colonists and the British.

28 The Second Continental Congress
Chapter 8 Lesson 5

29 Hope for Peace, Plan for War
Congress believed that the colonies should begin planning for war against the British. 1st step was to form an army. The “Continental Army” was the first united colonial army. Congress asked George Washington to lead the new Continental army. George Washington accepted the role as “Commander in Chief” . The colonies contributed money for guns, bullets, food and uniforms.

30 Hope for Peace, Plan for War

31 Battle of Bunker Hill After the fight in Lexington and Concord, citizens of Massachusetts began to build Earthworks to help defend themselves in battle. Boston became the only safe place for the British. The only way out or in was to travel by sea. June 16th, 1775 British ships were ordered to open fire on colonists . Soldiers were sent to capture Breed’s Hill. Colonists fought back and drove the British back twice before running out of gun powder. Almost ½ of the British soldiers died, but finally took the hill. Earthworks are walls of Earth and Stone Breeds Hill was where Colonists were building new Earthworks. Breed’s Hill was misnamed for nearby Bunker Hill.

32 Battle of Bunker Hill

33 A Foreign War Second Continental Congress sent another petition to King George III- known as the Olive Branch Petition. The Battle of Bunker Hill was considered to be a foreign war. King George III promised to “bring the traitors to justice” King George formed an army of British, German Mercenaries & other Native American Allies. The Olive Branch Petition expressed the colonists desire for a peaceful end to the fighting. The Olive Branch Petition ended up being a lost cause because King George received it too late. Mercenaries are soldiers who serve for pay in the military of a foreign government.

34 A Foreign War Second Continental Congress also prepared for war.
Established an “Army of the Sea”- Navy. A committee was also established to seek out Native American allies. The Continental Congress finally stood for all 13 colonies.

35 Foreign War

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