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LOTH West POA News – Jan 2016 Phone Numbers are below… us at

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1 LOTH West POA News – Jan 2016 Phone Numbers are below… us at Future Planning Ideas We have been working on obtaining donations for the playground and hope to have some shipped very soon. A company has promised to send us 2 each steel/powder coated tables and benches and maybe a bike rack. All we have to do is pay the freight costs. Once we have the costs, the BoD will vote on whether or not to do this to improve the small park. The idea was well received by those who attended our annual meeting earlier this month. We are working with Blanco Ingram Ready Mix for a discount on a small 38x38 concrete slab for a basketball court in the small park. WILL require us to do some self-help work for this project. More info to follow next month. We will need your help. Trimming trees in the big park. Demolishing and removing the old bathrooms in the big park. We are still working and hope to get a LOTH POA Tax Exempt number…Will save us money Finalize our road repair plan for 2016 and beyond. Give us your ideas and PLEASE help with future work!! POA Election Results and Our Phone Contact Info: President: Bob Sense at VPs: Kurt McWhorter at and KC Caulder at Treasurer’s: Sarah McDaniel at and Pam Sense at Secretary: Joe Owens at LOTH Website We have our covenants and deed restrictions as well as our newsletters posted here. We plan to post BoD minutes in the very near future. 2015 Funds Information Started with approximately $8k Raised $17k from annual dues Raised $1673 from rummage sale. Current POA balance $7k POA spent $ 16.6k on roads Residents donated: $ 22.8k on road repairs. Total other expenses were $15k Our Promises to the POA Keep you informed. Respond to your calls or s in a timely manner. Do what is best for the community and not play favorites. Be responsible and trustworthy with our duties. Spend scarce funds carefully and cautiously. Continue to make improvements even with our limited POA income. We want and will seriously consider all POA member community inputs. Keep bugging you to help improve our neighborhood! 2016 Start of a New Road Plan We are developing a road repair/prioritization plan. Keep in mind we have very few funds to do much so our plan is to tackle this in small chunks year by year. Some roads will need chip seal, some milling and grading and some recovered with hot asphalt. We will be meeting contractors in the next couple of months to get price quotes so we can determine how best to move forward. We hope to have this finalized soon so we can share it in a future newsletter. If you OBJECT to having one of your side roads milled and graded, please let us know NOW so we don’t waste time in our meetings with the contractors for pricing. Project Dates We will need your help on the following self-help projects. Spread the word and sign up by calling one of us or ing the POA address listed at the top. You can mail to the POA, or give to a POA member you trust Only 1 Proxy per POA Member regardless of the number of lots you own BoD Monthly Meetings We meet the first Tuesday of every 1830 in the clubhouse. You are welcome to attend to bring up topics and ask questions. If you do attend, we ask that you remain respectful and use the “golden rule”. If there are topics you want worked or addressed, us in advance so we have time to properly research if necessary. Front Hillside TxDot is making plans to add/change road markings to make entry safer for cars turning into the subdivision. No dates for work has been finalized for future re-markings. Projects with Planned Dates Trimming/shredding trees along our roads Saturday 12 March from Rain day 19 March. Meet at the park. Easter Egg Hunt Saturday 26 Mar March at the Clubhouse. Dumpster for POA Bulk Trash on May 9 for 30 Days or until full. Road patch project – Saturday at the small park Spring Rummage Sale May with Exact date TBD. Annual POA Dues letters will be mailed out in March Mowing/Weed Eating If you know of anyone who is reliable, trustworthy and interested in our business to cut the small park and clubhouse areas, please have them contact us so we can get a price quote. We currently have one company who is very interested. Giving and Caring We plan to have a food drive in the near future to support the Thrift Shop/Food Pantry on hwy 281 near the Guadalupe River to a “Place Called Grace”. Questions or Suggestions or call us with info above 1

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