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Presenter’s Name: Min-kai Hsiao EMU PGR Conference 5th July 2012

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1 Presenter’s Name: Min-kai Hsiao EMU PGR Conference 5th July 2012
Integration of Wireless and Mobile Technology to Encourage Consumers to Recycle Small Electronic Products Presenter’s Name: Min-kai Hsiao EMU PGR Conference 5th July 2012

2 The UK throws away around 2 million tonnes of WEEE.
Background The amount of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) is the fastest stream of waste in the EU. Every year The UK alone produces about 15% of the total WEEE waste in the EU The UK throws away around 2 million tonnes of WEEE. (Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, 2007)

3 Key Research Questions
How to design a convenient way for consumers to recycle small electronic products (such as computer mouse, keyboard, USB memory stick, MP3 player, etc.)?

4 Research contents To develop a loyalty system using advanced technologies including Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Near Field Communication (NFC) and mobile technologies to promote recycling by giving Eco-Points to consumers.

5 Contribution Unique combination of innovative technology into Take Back scheme should increase the number of Electrical and Electronic products being taken back, it could help to significantly reduce the emission and energy consumption.

6 Eco-Points (EP) calculation method
The Eco-Points is a loyalty point incentive system designed to motivate consumers to recycle or take-back their products. The equation: MRV(Maximum Reward Value)= Product’s price × 10% Eco-Points = (MRV) × Recyclable Content(RC)% * We set one pence is equal to one Eco-Point For example: the price of mouse is £12.99, further Recyclable Content is 74%. Eco-Points for mouse : 96 Points = (1299 × 10%) × 74%. The consumer can use the Eco-Point for their next shopping.

7 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
RFID technology operates on the principle of using radio waves to energise tags that can then provide information for reader, relying on storing and remotely retrieving data using devices called RFID tags or transponders. Tags consist of an antenna and chips, sometimes also of an internal power supply (Kelson, 2005).

8 Near Field Communication (NFC)
NFC is a very short-range (typically 4 cm), wireless point-to-point interconnection technology, evolved from a combination of earlier RFID contactless identification and interconnection technologies (ISO 14443/MIFARE/FeliCa).

9 RFID Recycling system platform

10 Microsoft Engineering Excellence
Q&A Thank you for your attention Microsoft Confidential

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