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Cultivating a Sojourner’s mindset

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Presentation on theme: "Cultivating a Sojourner’s mindset"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cultivating a Sojourner’s mindset
Lesson 3

2 Learning from Israel’s journey
Their story should serve as an example We too are sojourners We, like they, are dependent on God to bring us through

3 5 habits to make this journey easier!
Goal of this series Cultivate right thinking! 5 habits to make this journey easier!

4 #1 - Lighten the load

5 Things we can leave behind
The pursuits of this world The past Expectations from others (or ourselves) The problems and burdens we carry

6 #2 - Develop dependence

7 Develop dependence Recognize my need Rest assured of His motive Resolve to follow His leading Rely on His provision

8 #3 - Cultivate an attitude of gratitude

9 What do I have to be thankful for?
Because He brought us out Because He’s leading us home Because He has sustained us on the way

10 #4 - Stay focused on the reward

11 Why is a “reward focus” important?
It enables us to endure

12 Why is a “reward focus” important?
It enables us to endure Consider these biblical examples: Jesus - Heb 12:2 Paul - Phil 3:7-14

13 Why is a “reward focus” important?
It enables us to endure Note: we must be fully convinced the reward is worth it! See parable of treasure/pearl - Matt 13:44-46 See 2 Cor 4:17-18

14 Why is a “reward focus” important?
It enables us to endure It helps us resist the temptations to stray

15 Why is a “reward focus” important?
It enables us to endure It helps us resist the temptations to stray It helps us resist the temptations to stay

16 #5 - Be willing to enter in

17 Fulfilment of God’s promises
There’s a time for God’s promise to be fulfilled

18 Fulfilment of God’s promises
There’s a time for God’s promise to be fulfilled In that moment - our faith must be accompanied by action

19 Fulfilment of God’s promises
There’s a time for God’s promise to be fulfilled In that moment - our faith must be accompanied by action If we won’t act, God will raise up someone who will

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