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Catalan crisis and Scotland

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1 Catalan crisis and Scotland
(written assignment) Terézia Masaryková MV4 2017/2018

2 Introduction Ladies and Gentlemen, join me in welcoming Mrs/ We are privileged to welcome /It is an honour to be hosting this special guest/ I am delighted to welcome /It is an enourmous pleasure to welcome/Today we are very happy to welcome/ Distinguished guest, Ladies and Gentlmen, let me, on behalf of ...FPVMV UMB extend a very warm welcome to our guest, Fiona Bruce. Mrs Bruce is a British television journalist, newsreader and television presenter. (credentials)

3 Now I would like to give the floor to / It's my great pleasure to turn it over to/ Without any further delay, I´m giving the floor to Fiona Bruce. Thank you very much for having me here/ Thank you very much for that generous introduction... Today´s talk is concerned with / Today´s topic will be about Catalan crisis in connection with Scottish independence movement Before I get to the heart and soul of my talk / before I get to the nuts and bolts of my talk, let´s make some preliminary points.

4 Outline This talk is going to be divided into a few parts. / Basically, there is four things to say. First of all, I´m going to do a brief overview of Crisis in Catalonia. Next, I would like to focus on Catalonia and Scotland fellow-feeling, but circumspection from Scotland. Then I might say a word or two about SNP under pressure, and the final point will be dedicated to democracy in EU.

5 FIRST SECTION Let´s start with/ First of all, let me start with a basic background of Catalan crisis. A few weeks later after the referendum about independence, held on the 1st of October, Catalonia declared independence from Spain. But this declaration was unconstitutional. Afterwards, Catalan parliament was dissolved and government ministers were jailed, except Puigdemont and 4 ministers. Where does that lead us? /Why is this important?/ Let's consider this in more detail./ Translated into real terms/ That means/The significance of this is that  for supporters of Scottish self-determination, escalating tensions in Spain have also raised questions about the SNP government’s apparently circumspect position on Catalonian independence.

6 SECOND SECTION Turning to / Moving on now to / Let’s turn now to /The next issue/topic /area I’d like to focus on …/…Now we'll move on to./ I'd like now to discuss.../ Let's look now at Catalonia and Scotland fellow – feeling. Catalan politician 2 days after the jailing of Catalan government ministers by the Spanish courts, speaks to the obvious fellow feeling between Scottish and Catalan independence activists. On the other hand, Scottish external affairs secretary circumspectly said, that “Scotland understand and respect the position of the Catalan government”, and that the people of Catalonia “must have the ability to determine their own future” – but stopped short of recognising it as an independent state. So, SNP is blamed of fence-sitting, also according to Palestina case.

7 THIRD SECTION That's all I have to say about the Scottish-Catalan connection. Next, few words will be given to the critic of Scottish National Party. Senior Scottish ministers, including Sturgeon, did not respond to s from the the Catalan government sent before the October referendum, despite being contacted on three occasions. The reason is that Sturgeon has to remain reluctant to set a precedent for other governments to interfere with Scottish independence and is keen to adhere to the principle of not meddling in another country’s internal affairs. Even though SNP activists may feel frustration at their government’s perceived fence-sitting.

8 FOURTH SECTION The last issue I´d like to talk about is critic of the European Union. We can say that member of Scottish parliament are judicious to its „silent“ stance against Spain problems. What´s more, they also consider arresting of legitimately elected Catalon representatives as non-democratic move.

9 Recapitulation Before I terminate my speech, let me briefly recap../ Let's summarise briefly what we've looked at.../ If I can just sum up the main points../ Finally, let me remind you of some of the issues we've covered/ So, to remind you of what I’ve covered in this talk/ has been covered in this talk. In the first part of today´s speech the reasons for crisis in Catalonia were explained. Then we moved to/Few minutes were spent by talking about resemblance between Scotland and Catalonia, also the Scottish attitude to situation in Catalonia was discussed. And finally, in the last two sections the critic of SNP and EU was touched.

10 Q&A section And now If you would like me to elaborate on any point, please ask / Let´s open up now the space for question session/ Does anyone have any questions or comments?/ I´m happy to answer any questions... If nobody has questions, I would like to thank / Please join me in expressing gratitude to... Mrs Bruce for very thought- provoking lecture. We hope you will visit our faculty ever again in the future...... Thank you for having me here / for invitation

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