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Nofal IBRAHIM, Pascale CHELIN, Johannes ORPHAL

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Presentation on theme: "Nofal IBRAHIM, Pascale CHELIN, Johannes ORPHAL"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nofal IBRAHIM, Pascale CHELIN, Johannes ORPHAL
LINE PARAMETERS OF WATER VAPOR IN THE NEAR- AND MID-INFRARED REGIONS DETERMINED USING TUNEABLE LASER SPECTROSCOPY Nofal IBRAHIM, Pascale CHELIN, Johannes ORPHAL Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques (LISA) Université de Paris-XII, Créteil Cedex, France YURI I. BARANOV Optical Technology Division, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD , USA

2 Motivation H2O: The most important atmospheric trace gas
It has a crucial role in the Earth's radiation budget (responsible for ~70% of absorption of incoming sunlight ) Principal contributor to the greenhouse effect Absorption of solar radiation in the near-IR region Infrared remote sensing of atmosphere using aircraft and satellite sensors Necessity to provide: precise spectral line parameters in the near-IR region CNRS-LISA MSS 2006, Columbus, June 19-23, 2006

3 Solar Spectrum with Atmospheric Absorptions
Motivation Solar Spectrum with Atmospheric Absorptions CNRS-LISA MSS 2006, Columbus, June 19-23, 2006

4 Previous measurement in the near IR region
R. A. Toth, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 166, (1994). J.-M. Flaud et al., J. Mol. Spectrosc., 185, (1997). P. L. Ponsardin et al., J. Mol. Spectrosc., 185, (1997). A. Lucchesini et al., Eur. Phys. J. D., 8, (2000). R. Schermaul et al, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 208, (2001). A. Ray et al., Appl. Phys. B, 79, (2004). Example of measurement: line intensities (S1023/cm molecule-1) position (cm-1) HITRAN04 Ponsardin Schermaul Ray 1.679 --- 1.960 1.504 1.865 2.185 2.290 1.888 3.236 3.81 5.080 0.8886 1.08 ! Differences between different authors exceed stated accuracy (up to 30%)  need for more measurements CNRS-LISA MSS 2006, Columbus, June 19-23, 2006

5 Experimental set-up ECDL (External External Cavity Diode Laser) and DFG (Difference Frequency Generation Laser) coupled with multi-path absorption cell: Chopper Wavemeter ECDL: 30 mW nm Linewidth 1MHz DFG 3-5 µm Linewidth 1MHz Lock-in detection LabVIEW acquisition S/N>1000 Measurement time: few minutes Mid IR CNRS-LISA MSS 2006, Columbus, June 19-23, 2006

6 Experimental set-up ECDL: DFG Lock-in detection LabVIEW acquisition
30 mW nm Linewidth 1MHz DFG 3-5 µm Linewidth 1MHz Lock-in detection LabVIEW acquisition S/N>1000 Measurement time: few minutes CNRS-LISA MSS 2006, Columbus, June 19-23, 2006

7 L = 1 m, maximum path length 100 m, CaF2 windows
Experimental set-up L = 1 m, maximum path length 100 m, CaF2 windows 3 MKS Baratrons Water sample Thermometer CNRS-LISA MSS 2006, Columbus, June 19-23, 2006

8 Experimental Precautions
HDO lines (probed in the mid-IR by the DFG laser) to validate H2O pressure values (assumption: natural HDO abundance). Background emission of the ECDL  narrow spectral filter. Validation of detector linearity using neutral density filters. Linearization of the wavenumber axis: FP etalon (1MHz) H2O samples: Distilled, ultrasonic CNRS-LISA MSS 2006, Columbus, June 19-23, 2006

9 Example1: Self broadening of the line at 12226.101 cm-1
Results Example1: Self broadening of the line at cm-1 10 10 Very high S/N ratio( >1000) Experimental lines very well modeled using Voigt profile Observation of « Dicke narrowing » CNRS-LISA MSS 2006, Columbus, June 19-23, 2006

10 Example2: Air-broadening of the line at 12226.101 cm-1
Results Example2: Air-broadening of the line at cm-1 10  10 CNRS-LISA MSS 2006, Columbus, June 19-23, 2006

11 Example3: 3 lines near 12259 cm-1
Results Example3: 3 lines near cm-1 CNRS-LISA MSS 2006, Columbus, June 19-23, 2006

12 Results : Line Intensities
Fixed Free Up to 10 % between fixed and free D Voigt profile MEAN value (!) 15 % above HITRAN2004 Good agreement (5%) with Ponsardin and Browell, JMS 1997 Difference can not be explained by line profile CNRS-LISA MSS 2006, Columbus, June 19-23, 2006

13 Results : Self-broadening coefficient
40 lines measured RMS < 1% 10 % lower than HITRAN2004 CNRS-LISA MSS 2006, Columbus, June 19-23, 2006

14 Results : Air-broadening coefficient
40 lines measured RMS < 1% Very good agreement with HITRAN2004 (less than 5%) CNRS-LISA MSS 2006, Columbus, June 19-23, 2006

15 Conclusion and prospective
40 different H2O lines measured between 815 and 835 nm. Intensities in the 830 nm band 15% higher than HITRAN2004. Self-broadening coefficients 10% lower than HITRAN2004. Air-broadening coefficients in good agreement (< 5%) with HITRAN2004. Dicke-narrowing  although weak, check impact on intensities using other profiles (Galatry, Rautian,…) New, independent experiments (FTS?) Update of HITRAN2004 ? CNRS-LISA MSS 2006, Columbus, June 19-23, 2006

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