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Society and Culture of Major English-Speaking Countries

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1 Society and Culture of Major English-Speaking Countries
Yangqian College of Foreign Languages Shenyang University

2 III. Education Policy Two School Systems Education System
1 2 Two School Systems 3 Education System 4 4 Famous Universities

3 to participate in the community
Policy The purpose The three R’s to socialise practical skills the values and rules to participate in the community to contribute to the economic prosperity writing arithmetic reading

4 Policy Compulsory education for all children between the ages of 5 and 16 Comprehensive schools introduced in the 1960s National Curriculum introduced in 1988 Four stages: primary secondary further education higher education

5 Elementary and Secondary Education
Two parallel school systems: State system 94% Free to all children between the ages of 5—16 11-year compulsory education Local authority maintained Independent system—Public schools 6% Parents pay for their children's education

6 Two parallel school systems
National curriculum: Compulsory in state school Optional in independent school History, geography, music, art, design and technology, physical education and a foreign language

7 State System 5-11: primary schools (co-educational/ mixed schools)
11-16: secondary schools (90% are comprehensive schools) GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education)

8 Independent System The most famous: Eton, Harrow and Winchester
A privilege for the rich Better funded Better teachers Better facilities Better chance to enter famous universities

9 Eton Prince William

10 Education System Pre-primary schooling (3-4 years old)
nursery schools day care play groups Primary schooling (5-11,  6 years) co-educational mixed primary schools

11 Secondary Schooling (11– 16 )
Comprehensive schools More than 80% of pupils in secondary students in England and Wales attend mixed schools ; 60% in Northern Ireland; Scotland, nearly all. About 90% of secondary schools are comprehensive schools Some other children do not attend comprehensive schools. They attend grammar schools instead. Grammar schools select children through an examination called “the 11-plus”.

12 Secondary school (11ys-16)
At 16, pupils take the G.C.E or C.S.E At 16 ,pupils take a national exam called GCSE

13 Then after graduated they can
Secondary Schooling (11– 16 ) Then after graduated they can 1. Quit school- find jobs 2. Go to a college of further education to study for more practical diplomas. 3. Continue studies: a. in the sixth form(六年级) at school b. at a sixth form college Aim: Prepare pupils for a national exam called “A level” at 18.

14 Further education To go to Technical Schools
To study more practical (vocational) diplomas relating to the world of work, such as hairdressing, typing or mechanics. GNVQ

15 Higher Education Recruitment base on: Grades of AS, A-levels, GNVQs
School references Interview Mostly funded by central government grants Except Buckingham University

16 Higher Education Buckingham University is the only privately-financed university in UK, where students can finish 3 years’ courses in two years, and its curriculum changes flexibly according to market demands

17 Higher Education Q&A: What’s the difference between time range required for degrees in British higher education system and the time range in Chinese higher education system? Degrees Awarded Time range required in UK Time range required in China B.A. / B.S. 3 years 4 years M.A. / M.S. 1 or 2 years 2 or 3 years Doctoral degree 3 to 5 years

18 Famous Universities University of Cambridge 剑桥大学
University of Oxford 牛津大学 Imperial College (London) 帝国学院(伦敦) London School of Economics 伦敦政治经济学院 University of St. Andrews 圣安德鲁斯大学 University College London 伦敦大学学院 University of Bristol 布里斯托大学 University of Warwick 华威大学 University of Bath 巴斯大学 University of Durham 达勒姆大学

19 Famous Universities Oxford University and Cambridge University are sometimes referred to collectively as Oxbridge. Cambridge Crest Oxford Crest

20 Cambridge’s Contributions to Science
Many of the most important scientific discoveries and revolutions were made by Cambridge alumni Understanding the scientific method, by Francis Bacon The laws of motion, by Sir Isaac Newton Evolution by natural selection, by Charles Darwin The structure of DNA, by Francis Crick and James D. Watson

21 (at Queens’ College, Cambridge University )
The Mathematical Bridge (at Queens’ College, Cambridge University )

22 The University of Oxford

23 Notable Alumni of Oxford
26 British prime ministers ; David Cameron. International leaders : 3 Prime Ministers of Australia 2 Prime Ministers of Canada; 2 Prime Ministers of India; 5 Prime Ministers of Pakistan and Bill Clinton 12 saints, and twenty Archbishops of Canterbury 50 Olympic medal-winners Writers, Economists such as Adam Smith, scientists ,composers and actors.

24 Academic Year The school year is 39 weeks long and is divided into three terms: Sep , Jan , April School Holidays The main summer holiday is from mid-July to early September. Children also have 2 weeks holiday at Christmas and at Easter.

25 Higher Education

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