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Replication Strategies for improved Livestock Waste Management in China DONG Hongmin Prof. Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Monitoring and.

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Presentation on theme: "Replication Strategies for improved Livestock Waste Management in China DONG Hongmin Prof. Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Monitoring and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Replication Strategies for improved Livestock Waste Management in China
DONG Hongmin Prof. Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Monitoring and inspection center on livestock environmental facilities , Ministry of Agriculture

2 Outlines Progress on drafting strategy
Introduction of main elements of strategy

3 Progress Signed contract on Nov. 2007
Review the current policy and regulation Review national and provincial program related to manure management Technical consultation meeting on the outline of strategy Introduction and consultation on framework and concept of strategy in meeting of pig production industrialization network in March Site visit on the demonstration farms in Guangdong as well as in Zhejiang, Shandong, Hubei Drafting strategy in Chinese

4 Main elements of Strategy

5 Outline of the Strategy –(1)
Chapter I Current Status of Livestock production and Urgent Demands for improving manure management Status of animal production Characteristics of manure and environmental impacts Importance of Manure management to China’ economic and social development , and new countryside . Chapter II China effort on manure management and Challenge Regulation National Program Technology development and demonstration Chapter III Principle and Targets Principle Targets

6 Outline of the Strategy –(2)
Chapter V Measures to enhance the replication Policy and regulation Instruments Incentives measures Capacity building- information and education Demonstration of Manure treatment, Utilization and health feeding system Research and development Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Administrative Arrangements

7 Chapter I Current Status of Livestock production and Urgent Demands for improving manure management

8 Chapter II Strength and Challenge

9 Framework of Replication Strategy
Technologies GPG CNMP State Gov Policy and regulation Institute Inter. Org Company State local Gov. UN system Market based Farmers Adopt improved MMP Incentives Administrative mechanism Monitoring and evaluation Research and Development

10 Strength and Challenge – Policy and Regulation
China is in the process of establishing regulation for mitigating the Environmental impact of livestock production Current regulation The Law of Livestock production : take the measure to control the environmental pollution Decree of control and management of pollution from livestock production ( SEPA Decree 9-may-2001) Discharge standards of pollutants from livestock production Challenge The regulation on control of pollution from livestock production has being development for 3 years No nation strategy to Establish a national goal and environmental performance expectation , Promote, support, and provide incentives for the use of GPG There is no national plan Technical specification for Monitoring

11 Strength and Challenge – Incentives
Chinese government has taken a number of initiatives to ensure the sustainable agricultural development, these initiatives contribute to mitigating environmental pollution to some extend Biogas digesters program, By the end of 2006, household biogas digesters had reached 21 million, The number of large-scale biogas digesters for manure treatment had reached about 4000 The standardization of livestock park program, began from 2006 Challenge There are no National Financing System and Subsidy Policy on manure management Livestock producer has no ability involving in the market based mechanism such CDM

12 Strength and Challenge – Technology and Model
There are varieties of technologies or models has been demonstrated in China Biogas digester with ADRs land application model is popular Separation + Compost and UASB Separation + AD + fish pond Challenge Investment barriers – Initial cost is too high Technologies barriers – No cost-effective and easy operation system

13 Strength and Challenge – capability ??
Realize the importance of manure management Challenge Not easy to assess the available information and technology No science based decision tool to help the gov. and farmers to identify the appropriate technology or model Livestock background , without the ability to operate the environment system

14 Framework of Livestock Environmental Administration in China
Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) Ministry of Environmental Protection (SEPA) Department of Science, Education and Rural Environment Department of Animal husbandry Department of Market and Economy Livestock envi. Monitoring Center Clean production Utilize and Monitoring Environmental inspection Environmental Monitoring Animal Production

15 Strength and Challenge Institutional Arrangements
More than one ministry has the responsibility Challenge Existing environmental protection administration and personnel have no experience to manage livestock environmental issues ( like check points issues ) Existing production agency ( MOA) has pay more attention to the Production The institutional weaknesses at the county level

16 Chapter III - Targets Support the establishment of Policy and strategy Facilitate the adoption of improved manure management practices Scaling up project influence on sustainable development of livestock production

17 Chapter III -Overview principles
Combination of the manure management policy with the National policy on sustainable development Priority to clean production and pollution prevention Integrated cost-effective pollution control measures based on local circumstance Technology demonstration and Promotion of technology innovation Multiple mechanism - Government subsidy, market mechanism

18 Measure 1: Policy and regulation Instruments
Develop national plan and Location Plans for livestock pollution prevention and control National plan development by MOA is in progress Speed Up formulation of the Regulation on Pollution Prevention and Control from Livestock Production It is on the Version 15 Development of National standard on monitoring and inspection Code of sampling waste water, Solid manure, as well as gas sampling Development of COP

19 Measure 2: Incentive measures
Governmental subsidy Promotion of clean production methods: green feed, bedding for reducing the volume of waste water Promotion of the construction of manure treatment system: biogas digester, composting, separation Promotion of CNMP of manure land application: transport and application equipment, storage pond Manure treatment center for the area with high density of animals Promotion of standardization of animal production Region for small –scale farms Market based mechanism Labeling of environmental sound animal product Promote and regulate certified organic fertilizer market; Demonstration of CDM Procedure for MMS.

20 Measure 3 : Information and Education
Provide information on manure management technology through TV, Brochure, Newspaper, website Educate rural communities in basic pollution prevention and control measures for small-scale livestock production; Reward outstanding examples of best practices in livestock pollution control, both at large-farms and within rural communities; Strengthen knowledge on livestock-related pollution for local agricultural agency Disseminate information on GPG

21 Measure 4 : Demonstration of target technology
Further demonstration and assessment of biogas based treatment system Nutrient removal and /or utilize efficiency Financial analysis on initial construction investment, maintenance and running cost, as well as revenues from sale of fertilizer, saving of fertilizer, or fuel purchasing Organize field trip for farmers to the demonstration sites Began demonstration of bedding system Demonstration of standardization of clean production system which integrated the green feed, energy saving building, manure collection, manure treatment, and manure application Demonstration of CDM project development procedure

22 Measure 5: Research and Development
Exploring new technologies : bottled biogas Alternative usage of solid manure: Develop an indicator system for measuring clean production performance at livestock facilities Development of alternative manure management system , such as centralized manure treatment system for village or town level: indentify appropriate technology, management

23 Measure 6 : Monitoring and Evaluation Systems
Establishment of monitoring and inspection network , regional or provincial level Establish database and rreporting system for pollution from livestock production operations Establish national on manure characteristics Establish evaluation system on policy and management of Livestock Production Operations

24 Next step Policy maker Consultation on the draft strategy before end of this month Revision of the Drafting strategy Translation

25 Thank You!

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