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Unit 6 Food and lifestyle

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1 Unit 6 Food and lifestyle


3 Lifestyle Why? Diet

4 Brainstorming

5 Drinks Vegetable Meat Fruit Main food
Noodle , Rice , Cake , Porridge ,Soup, Pizza Drinks Juice , Coke , Milk Vegetable Carrot , Tomato , Potato Meat Pork , Beef ,Chicken ,Fish ,Ham Fruit Lemon , Kiwi , Watermelon , Tomato

6 Make a survey Do you have a healthy lifestyle?
A: I am a reporter from Teenagers’ Magazine. I am making a survey. Do you have some hobbies ? B: Yes, I often….. A: How often do you exercise? B:…times a…… A: What do you usually have for breakfast? B: I usually have……… for breakfast. A: What about lunch? B: For lunch ,I often have……. A: Do you often eat vegetables? B: Yes, they are good for us./No,……

7 Listen to Simon and fill in the blanks.
Hobbies I often to keep fit. Breakfast/Reason For breakfast, I always have I also eat baozi or mantou,and I drink This helps me well. Lunch/ Reason I have or for lunch. I have and too. This meal gives me for the whole afternoon. Supper/ Reason For dinner, I often have , and vegetables. I eat fruit everyday. Fruit and vegetables are good us. We need them to keep I also drink lots of every day. play football an egg a glass of milk start the day rice noodles meat vegetables energy fish soup for healthy water

8 My name is Simon. I often play football to keep fit
My name is Simon. I often play football to keep fit. I also eat healthy food. For breakfast, I always have an egg. I also eat baozi or mantou,and I drink a glass of milk. This helps me start the day. I have rice or noodles for lunch. I have meat and vegetables too. This meal gives me energy for the whole afternoon. For dinner, I often have soup, fish and vegetables. I eat fruit everyday. Fruit and vegetables are good for us. We need them to keep healthy. I also drink lots of water every day. Hobby Diet

9 ~~Try~~ Breakfast/Reason Lunch/ Reason Supper/ Reason Hobbies
He often… He also………. Breakfast/Reason For breakfast, he always…….. .. He also eats …….…and he drinks…….... This …….... Lunch/ Reason He has……… or………for lunch. He has …..… and ………too. This meal ………for…….… Supper/ Reason For dinner, he often………. He eats fruit everyday. Fruit and vegetables are ……..We need ……….. He also…………….

10 Enjoy your own writing!

11 Writing Structure name hobbies Paragraph 1 breakfast reason
lunch reason Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 supper reason

12 Useful sentences For breakfast /lunch/ dinner ,I have…
I dance /swim …every day. I often …to keep fit. This helps me…. This gives me …for… ….is/are good for us. I plan to…..

13 + + = you

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