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– The Effectiveness of Guards in Mitigating Propeller Strikes –

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1 – The Effectiveness of Guards in Mitigating Propeller Strikes –
William Daley, P.E. Mechanical Engineer

2 Background ABYC contracted CED to participate in a three-phase study into propeller-related injuries and their mitigation using propeller guards Phase I consisted of CED’s analysis of the human factors involved in propeller strikes Phase II of the propeller guard analysis involved on-water propeller guard performance testing conducted by MacNeil, Akers and Goudy The current effort (Phase III) involved CED’s testing and analysis of commercially available propeller guards designed for use in the recreational boating industry

3 Testing Location Performed at the University of Buffalo testing facility – the Center for Research and Education in Special Environments (CRESE) in July and December 2010 Circular pool suitable for controlled testing CED wishes to thank: Dr. David R. Pendergast, CRESE Director Andrew Barth, CRESE Technical Director for their support in this phase of the propeller guard study

4 CED Team Program Manager – William H. Daley, III, P.E.
Mechanical engineer with over 30 years experience, including 20 years as a Naval Officer and Associate Chairman of the Mechanical Engineering Department, U. S. Naval Academy BS, U.S. Naval Academy MS, Aeronautical Engineering, U. S. Naval Postgraduate School Patrick J. Hudson, Ph.D., P.E. Naval architect with over 20 years of experience, including David Taylor Model Basin and U. S. Naval Academy faculty BS, Naval Architecture, U.S. Naval Academy MSEng, Civil Engineering, Johns Hopkins University Ph.D., Ocean engineering, Johns Hopkins University R. Gregory Lank, P.E. Mechanical engineer with 9 years experience BS, Mechanical Engineering, Penn State University Corey M. Redmond, E.I.T. Mechanical Engineer with 2 years experience BS, Mechanical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

5 Testing Protocol Effectiveness of propeller guards studied with engine speeds of 15 mph, 5 mph, parked-in-gear, and reverse Speeds representative of planing speed, no-wake speed and maneuvering Test samples placed 90° from centerline of propeller at distances of 30-in., 24-in., 12-in., and 6-in. measured horizontally Five test scenarios: (1) unguarded, (2) cage guard, (3) round ring guard, (4) octagonal ring guard, and (5) concentric ring guard

6 Guards: Cage &Round Ring
Cage Guard Round Ring Guard

7 Guards: Octagonal & Concentric
Octagonal Ring Guard Concentric Ring Guard

8 Test apparatus CRESE circular pool 8-ft. wide, 8-ft. deep fitted with a rotating arm 200 hp engine mounted on the rotating arm

9 Test apparatus Two Deep Blue Pro color underwater video cameras mounted on extruded aluminum frame – approaching and departing perspective Olympus iSpeed high speed camera mounted adjacent to an underwater observation window – 90° to engine path

10 Test apparatus Test samples
Gelatin Innovations VYSE professional ballistic gel 16-in. long, 3-in. diameter, cored with 1/2-in. schedule 40 PVC piping and a 4-way cross fitting centered within the sample (July and December 2010 testing) 10-in. diameter, 16-in. or 30-in. long, cored with schedule 40 PVC piping in the same manner (December 2010) Cured and hung from extruded aluminum frame Frame design permitted movement of sample along line perpendicular to centerline of propeller

11 Test apparatus summary

12 Testing results 112 runs in the CRESE pool in July 2010 and 107 runs in December 2010 Recorded using three cameras High speed video analysis and physical sample inspection after each run Any degree of contact photographed Notes taken to describe orientation (engine speed and test sample distance) and results New sample after each verified contact

13 Unguarded: 15 mph No contact with propeller Distances
30-in. 24-in. 12-in. 6-in. Video 14 Test sample 6-in. from propeller

14 Unguarded: 5 mph No contact when sample at 12-in.
Sample struck during 2 of 3 runs at 6-in. Video 16 Test sample 6-in. from propeller

15 Unguarded: parked-in-gear
No contact at 24-in. Drawn into propeller at 12-in. on each of two runs Video 11 Test sample 12-in. from propeller

16 Unguarded: reverse No contact at 12-in.; two runs
6-in. - struck during each of two runs. Multiple cuts Video 20 Test sample 6-in. from propeller

17 Cage guard: 15 mph No contact at 12-in.
6-in. - blunt force strike on each of three runs Multiple cuts 8-1/2-in. apart centered about center of sample Fractured about center connection during one of three runs Video 24 Test sample 6-in. from propeller

18 Cage guard: 5 mph 12-in. – sample pushed by guard with no observable contact damage 6-in. - sample pushed by guard with no observable contact damage Video 29 Test sample 6-in. from propeller

19 Cage guard: parked-in-gear
No contact with the guard when test samples were as close as 6-in.

20 Cage guard: reverse 6-in.
Test sample was observed to rest on the guard No observable cuts or tears in the sample

21 Octagonal ring guard: 15 mph
12-in. – no contact 6-in. Pulled into guard Captured Cut into multiple and irregular pieces Discharged out aft end pvc core pulled from sample and cut into multiple pieces Video 35 Test sample 6-in. from propeller

22 Octagonal ring guard: 5mph
12-in. – no contact 6-in. Pulled into guard Multiple strikes pvc core pulled from sample and cut into multiple pieces Video 42 Test sample 6-in. from propeller

23 Octagonal: parked-in-gear
30-in. – no sample motion 24-in. – pulled into guard with multiple cuts, pvc core removed 12-in. – pulled through guard with multiple cuts, pvc core fully or partially removed 6-in. – pulled into with multiple cuts, chunks and pvc removed Test sample 6-in. from propeller

24 Octagonal ring guard: reverse
24-in. – no sample motion 12-in Pulled through guard Cut into multiple pieces pvc core removed 6-in. pulled through guard pvc core fully or partially removed Video 54 Test sample 12-in. from propeller

25 Concentric ring: 15 mph 12-in. no contact 6-in.
Blunt force contact Split into multiple pieces Cuts pvc core partially removed Video 58 Test sample 6-in. from propeller

26 Concentric ring: 5 mph Test sample 6-in. from propeller
12-in. – no contact 6-in. Gel split to core Gel tearing pvc core dislocated Pulled from suspended connection, captured and dragged upstream with guard Video 62 Test sample 6-in. from propeller

27 Concentric: parked-in-gear
24-in. – horizontal, no contact 12-in. – horizontal and vertical, no contact or rested on guard 6-in. Horizontal: drawn through guard, multiple pieces, core removed Vertical: Drawn into guard, no prop contact Video 67 Test sample 6-in. from propeller

28 Concentric: reverse Test sample 12-in. from propeller
24-in. no motion of sample 12-in. Pulled into guard Multiple pieces pvc core removed Chunks 6-in. Video 77 Test sample 12-in. from propeller

29 Round ring guard Substantially similar results to octagonal ring guard
Contact made with similar results at the same orientations 15 mph: 6-in. 5 mph: 6in. Parked-in-gear: 24-in., 12-in. & 6-in. Reverse: 12-in. & 6-in.

30 Octagonal: cluster sample -reverse
Three sample bound together 24-in. – no contact 12-in. Pulled into guard Cut into multiple pieces pvc cores removed 6-in. Debris scattered Video 105 Test sample 12-in. from propeller

31 Octagonal: cluster sample-parked-in-gear
Pulled into guard Multiple pieces pvc cores removed 6-in. pulled into guard Test sample 12-in. from propeller

32 Octagonal: cluster sample -15 mph & 5mph
Similar results at both speeds 6-in. Pulled into guard Multiple cuts Multiple pieces pvc cores removed Video 109 Test sample 6-in. from propeller

33 Unguarded: cluster sample -15 mph
6-in. Cluster remained intact One piece sustained a cut One piece sustained a tear Video 111 Test sample 6-in. from propeller

34 Octagonal & Unguarded -15 mph comparison
Video 109, Video 111 Test sample 6-in. from propeller

35 Environmental Safety Prop: 15 mph
No contact with propeller Distances 24-in. 12-in. 6- in. Test sample 6-in. from propeller

36 Environmental Safety Prop: 5 mph
No contact when sample at 24-in. and 12-in. Sample struck during 2 of 3 runs at 6-in. Test sample 6-in. from propeller

37 Environmental Safety Prop: Parked-in-Gear
No contact at 24-in. Drawn into propeller at 12-in. on each of two runs Test sample 12-in. from propeller

38 Environmental Safety Prop: Reverse
No contact at 24-in. 12-in. – struck during each of two runs. Multiple cuts and pieces removed Test sample 12-in. from propeller

39 Environmental Safety Prop: 15mph
10-in. diameter, 16-in. long No contact at 24-in. & 12-in. 6-in. – struck during each of two runs. Cuts as deep as pvc core. Test sample 6-in. from propeller

40 Environmental Safety Prop: 15mph
10-in. diameter, 30-in. long No contact at 24-in. & 12-in. 6-in. – struck during each of two runs. Cuts up to 3-in. deep. Test sample 6-in. from propeller

41 Environmental Safety Prop: 5mph
10-in. diameter, 16-in. long No contact at 24-in. & 12-in. 6-in. – struck during each of two runs. Three principle cuts. Test sample 6-in. from propeller

42 Environmental Safety Prop: 5mph
Horizontal orientation -10-in. diameter, 30-in. long No contact at 12-in. 6-in. – five slices along length Test sample 6-in. from propeller

43 Environmental Safety Prop: 5mph
10-in. diameter, 30-in. long No contact at 12-in. 6-in. – two cuts. Test sample 6-in. from propeller

44 Environmental Safety Prop: Parked-in-Gear
10-in. diameter, 16-in. long 24-in.: no contact 12-in.: three runs w/cuts to lower portion of sample 6-in.: three slices on 1 of 2 runs Test sample 12-in. from propeller

45 Environmental Safety Prop: Parked-in-Gear
Horizontal orientation -10-in. diameter, 30-in. long 12-in.: two runs. 3 cuts on one run, 4 cuts on the other Test sample 12-in. from propeller

46 Environmental Safety Prop: Parked-in-Gear
10-in. diameter, 30-in. long 24-in.: no contact 12-in. & 6-in.: two at each distance. Minor knicks to one sample; no evidence of contact on other. Test sample 6-in. from propeller

47 Environmental Safety Prop: Reverse
10-in. diameter, 16-in. long 24-in.: no contact 12-in.: two runs with multiple cuts 6-in.: two runs, one w/extensive cuts to pvc core Test sample 12-in. from propeller

48 Environmental Safety Prop: Reverse
10-in. diameter, 30-in. long 24-in.: no contact 12-in.: two runs. Contact with no evidence of damage 6-in.: two runs. One with up to seven slices Test sample 6-in. from propeller

49 Turning Point Prop: 15 mph
10-in. diameter, 16-in. long 24-in. & 12-in.: no contact 6-in.: two runs – two cuts, some as deep as 3-in. Test sample 6-in. from propeller

50 Turning Point Prop: 15 mph
Horizontal, 10-in. diameter, 30-in. long 24-in. & 12-in.: no contact 6-in.: two runs. One resulted in fours slices, the other five slices Test sample 6-in. from propeller

51 Turning Point Prop: 15 mph
6-in: horizontal, 10-in. diameter, 30-in. long Test sample 6-in. from propeller

52 Turning Point Prop: 5 mph
10-in. diameter, 16-in. long 24-in. & 12-in.: no contact 6-in.: two runs. Up to three cuts, some 3-in. deep Test sample 6-in. from propeller

53 Turning Point Prop: Parked-in-Gear
10-in. diameter, 16-in. long 24-in.: no contact 12-in.: two runs. Cuts up to three inches deep Test sample 12-in. from propeller

54 Turning Point Prop: Reverse
10-in. diameter, 16-in. long 24-in.: no contact 12-in.: two runs. One resulted in three slices, the other four slices Test sample 12-in. from propeller

55 Octagonal Ring Guard: 15mph
10-in. diameter, 16-in. long 24-in. & 12-in.: no contact 6-in.: two runs. Large piece removed from sample and piece contacted propeller Test sample 6-in. from propeller

56 Octagonal Ring Guard: 5mph
10-in. diameter, 16-in. long 24-in. & 12-in.: no contact 6-in.: guard shaped piece removed from sample Test sample 6-in. from propeller

57 Octagonal Ring Guard: Parked-in-Gear
10-in. diameter, 30-in. long 24-in.: no contact 12-in.: multiple deep cuts, pieces removed, irregular cuts and tears, cuts to pvc core, and damage along full length of sample Test sample 6-in. from propeller

58 Octagonal Ring Guard: Reverse
10-in. diameter, 16-in. long 24-in.: no contact Testing with guard suspended due to unserviceable guard as a result of contact damage

59 Testing Summary – small samples

60 Testing Summary – large samples

61 Questions & Answers William Daley 800-466-1090

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