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Marie Curie Training Network on PArticle Detectors The End

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1 Marie Curie Training Network on PArticle Detectors The End
MC-PAD End of Network Event, Frascati September 2012

2 … from our proposal (also part of Grant Agreement)
The closing meeting towards the end of the project is an excellent occasion for the young researchers to discuss and disseminate their scientific results. It will also serve as a forum to critically review and compare the overall scientific progress with the goals, and to judge the achievements and impact of the network in the fields training and dissemination. Table: Tentative schedule of network meetings and training events Milestones Dates (months after start) Deliverables 1. Kick-off meeting m1-m2 Protocol 2. Network training events m9, m18, m30 Training certificates 3. Open training events m12, m24, m36 4. Annual meetings Proceedings, annual reports 5. Closing meeting m48 Report, recommendations MC-PAD End of Network Event, Frascati September 2012

3 Let’s turn the time back (almost) 4 years
 MC-PAD Kick-Off Meeting, CERN January 2009 MC-PAD End of Network Event, Frascati September 2012

4 MC-PAD Kick-Off Meeting, CERN 13-14 January 2009
Idea Create a multi-site network in order to provide excellent training opportunities to young researchers in the field of radiation detectors for the next generation of particle physics experiments and other applications. It‘s all about training ! We are a network ! We are dealing with young people ! MC-PAD Kick-Off Meeting, CERN January 2009

5 MC-PAD Kick-Off Meeting, CERN 13-14 January 2009
Concept Form a multi-site network of first-class European research labs and universities with long standing expertise in particle detectors. Cover a large spectrum of detector types, electronics, simulation, infrastructure, training opportunities. Associated and industrial partners complement the spectrum of expertise and support the training activities. Industrial partners provide access to the commercial world, project planning, quality control, … Define training projects for researchers around state-of-the-art detector development activity, incl. electronics and simulation software. Whenever possible, activities are shared by several partners (network!). ≥2 researchers are recruited per activity. MC-PAD Kick-Off Meeting, CERN January 2009

6 MC-PAD Kick-Off Meeting, CERN 13-14 January 2009
Concept (cont.) Researchers have access to infrastructure of all network partners combined expertise Training programmes of all network partners (incl. language, complementary training) Researchers should spend a fraction of their time (up to 30%) at one or more other network partners (incl. associated and industrial ones) The network organizes regular Network Training Events and Open Training Events. Open training events include participation of students from outside the network. The network invites Visiting Scientist from outside the network to support the research and training activities and to participate in the Network Training Events within reasonable limits (schedule, logistics, financial) MC-PAD Kick-Off Meeting, CERN January 2009

7 MC-PAD Kick-Off Meeting, CERN 13-14 January 2009
Implementation The MC-PAD Network: Participants Legal Entity Department Scientist-in-charge Network Participants CERN (Coordinator) European Organization for Nuclear Research (CH) Physics Dr. Christian Joram DESY Stiftung Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE) Research High Energy Physics (FH) Prof. Wolfgang Lohmann GSI Gesellschaft für Schwer­ionenforschung mbH (DE) Detector Laboratory (WTI) Dr. Christian J. Schmidt JSI Jožef Stefan Institute (SI) Experimental Particle Physics Prof. Peter Križan AGH AGH University of Science and Technology (PL) Physics and Applied Computer Science Dr. Marek Idzik LNF Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati - Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (IT) High Energy Physics Dr. Pierluigi Campana NIKHEF Stichting voor Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie (NL) Subatomic Physics Prof. Els Koffeman PSI Paul Scherrer Institut (CH) Particles and Matter Dr. Roland Horisberger UHH University of Hamburg (DE) Inst. for Exp. Physics Prof. Robert Klanner MC-PAD Kick-Off Meeting, CERN January 2009

8 MC-PAD Kick-Off Meeting, CERN 13-14 January 2009
The MC-PAD Network: Associated and Industrial Partners Associated Partners Evatronix Evatronix SA (PL) Electronic Design Department Dr. Wlodzimierz Wrona IFJ Polish Academy of Sciences (Polska Akademia Nauk) PAN (PL) Henryk Niewodni­czański Institute of Nuclear Physics (Insty­tut Fizyki Jądrowej IFJ) Prof. Michal Turala Micron Micron Semiconductor Ltd. (UK) Research and Development Mr. Mark Bullough NIMP National Institute of Materials Physics Dr. Ioana Pintilie Photonis Photonis SAS Holding (FR) Business Development Manager Dr. Christophe Fontaine The network runs over 4 years: 1 Nov 2008 – 31 Oct 2012. MC-PAD Kick-Off Meeting, CERN January 2009

9 MC-PAD Kick-Off Meeting, CERN 13-14 January 2009
The training provided by the network comprises 5 main components: full participation in a research project (WP1-12, described below) carried out at several network partners, as part of a research team. Local training at the network partner at which the researcher was recruited. This comprises academic lectures and specialized courses …. Furthermore, it comprises hands-on training, to acquire practical experience in all aspects of “high-tech” projects, using the unique state-of-the-art equipment available at the partner institutions … Specialized lectures and courses that are not covered by existing events will be systematically treated by training events that are organized by the network. Complementary training involving industrial partners. Presentations at workshops or conferences… In addition, the young researchers are expected – and strongly encouraged – to contribute to teaching at the regular MC-PAD ITN meetings and to collaborate with and supervise students. Many of them will also have the option of formal teaching at a university. MC-PAD Kick-Off Meeting, CERN January 2009

10 MC-PAD Kick-Off Meeting, CERN 13-14 January 2009
Table: Work package list no. Work Package Title Type of activity Lead bene-ficiary Person months Start month End month WP 1 Radiation Tolerant Mini-strip Tracking Detectors RTD CERN 2 x 36 1 36 WP 2 Hybrid Pixel Detectors PSI WP 3 Radiation Hard Crystals / 3D Detectors UHH WP 4 Micro Pattern Gas Detectors WP 5 TPC with MPGD Readout DESY 3 x 36 46 WP 6 Very Forward Calorimetry 43 WP 7 Advanced Photodetectors 24 WP 8 Photodetectors for High-B Fields JSI WP 9 Front-end Electronics for Hybrid Pixel Detectors FOM 7 WP 10 Monolithic Detectors AGH-UST WP 11 Front-end Electronics GSI WP 12 Optimization of Monte Carlo Tools and Comparison with Benchmark Data INFN 37 WP 13 Network coordination MGT 48  will be topic of tomorrow‘s morning session MC-PAD Kick-Off Meeting, CERN January 2009

11 MC-PAD Kick-Off Meeting, CERN 13-14 January 2009
Network management The Network has concluded a Network Agreement: The purpose of this document is to describe the organization of the work between the partners, the management and the operation of the network and their common code of conduct, supplementing but not conflicting with the provision of the EC contract. This document is acknowledged by the partners, but has no legal binding. The document describes the role of the Network coordinator Supervisory Board Executive Board Associated partners Industrial partners ... MC-PAD Kick-Off Meeting, CERN January 2009

12 (chair elected by board) (chair = network coordinator)
The Supervisory Board has to elect a chair today ! Network management (cont.) Annual workshop organization Supervisory Board (chair elected by board) 1 representative per partner (incl. associated and industrial) Executive Board (chair = network coordinator) Network coordinator + deputy Training program coordinator + deputy Recruitment coordinator + deputy Research Projects Contact persons Training event organization Selection Committee temporary committees Peer-review of training quality (two external advisors) We need to find two external advisors ! To be nominated ! To be nominated ! MC-PAD Kick-Off Meeting, CERN January 2009

13 MC-PAD Kick-Off Meeting, CERN 13-14 January 2009
Network management (cont.) 3.2 - Associated partners’ role The associated partners agree to support the contractors in pursuing the objectives of the Contract MC-PAD. In particular, they collaborate in the organisation of network wide training events and workshops; in the follow-up of the research carried out in the projects of the network through contacts with the Research Project Contact Persons; in the training of the recruited researchers. 3.3 - Industrial partners’ role The industrial partners agree to support the contractors in pursuing the objectives of the EC Contract MC-PAD, along the lines of the Letter of Intent which make part of the Proposal approved by the EU. In particular they agree to host young researchers participating in the network and to deliver training courses. 4.3 – Settlement of disputes All disputes or differences arising in the operation of the network, which cannot be amicably settled inside the governing boards, will go to an arbitration of three members, two of them appointed by the parties and the third, acting as chair, chosen by the two. The arbitration decisions will bind the partners and the management of the MC-PAD network. MC-PAD Kick-Off Meeting, CERN January 2009

14 MC-PAD Kick-Off Meeting, CERN 13-14 January 2009
Conclusions (1) MC-PAD will provide excellent opportunities for young researchers to extend their knowledge and expertise and to promote their scientific career. The network partners will exploit the facilities and the broad spectrum of experience available in the network. Marie Curie Initial Training Networks are great tools to boost European science, but … MC-PAD Kick-Off Meeting, CERN January 2009

15 MC-PAD Kick-Off Meeting, CERN 13-14 January 2009
Conclusions (2) MC Initial Training Network s - Difficult aspects / room for improvement The lead time is too long (2 years). The underlying R&D projects evolve significantly during this time … One needs to provide specific information (milestones, deliverables) long before the project start, and later one needs to justify every change. The 80:20 rule (doct:postdoc) appears inadequate for our field and does not reflect the ratio in the applications. The tool ‘Visiting Scientist’ is too rigid. It is not realistic to define name, date and length of stay of a visiting professor up to 5 years in advance. National legislation in certain countries leads to large deductions from the initially very attractive salary and spoils the attractiveness. MC-PAD Kick-Off Meeting, CERN January 2009

16 MC-PAD End of Network Event, Frascati 19-22 September 2012
back to September 2012 MC-PAD End of Network Event, Frascati September 2012

17 How successful was it ? New contacts / friends / perspectives
Scientific Training Network Training events Complementary training Scientific output Visiting Scientists Visits to other labs Access to facilities/ infrastructure Exchange or Researchers Cooperation with industry Quality of Supervision Coordination / information flow Financial & training conditions PhDs Invited participants (events) Administration / support So … would you do it again ? Job opportunities for the future MC-PAD End of Network Event, Frascati September 2012

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