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An Author’s 5 Step Writing Process is like Baking a Cake!

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Presentation on theme: "An Author’s 5 Step Writing Process is like Baking a Cake!"— Presentation transcript:

1 An Author’s 5 Step Writing Process is like Baking a Cake!

2 The Five Steps Pre-writing Drafting Revising Editing/Proofreading
Publishing/Final Copy

3 Pre-writing/Brainstorming
Think About It Talk about what you’re going to write. Draw it. Plan it. Generate a list of ideas and choose your very best one

4 Drafting/Sloppy Copy: Brain “Dump”
Draw your story out Write a first draft Sloppy copy. Don’t think just write (Take a Brain “Dump”) Organization with Introduction, Body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

5 Revision: Make Changes
Add more information (imagery / more details to make it more interesting, figurative language, clear thesis statements, transactions ) R Remove information (texting, symbols, double negatives, anything that doesn’t support your thesis ,and parts of the story that don't get to the point) M Move things around (put the story in order and make the purpose clear) S Substitute for better words/diction (vivid verbs and set the tone of your paper)

6 Edit/Proofreading: Make Corrections
Capitalization (Proper Nouns, I, titles, the first word in a sentence, the first word in a direct quote) U Usage (Subject/Verb Agreement) P Punctuation (“ ” / ; / : / . / ! / ? / ’/ - /) S Spelling (Use a dictionary)

7 Publishing/Final Copy
Should Not Look Like Your Rough Draft! If it is good enough to turn in for a grade, it is good enough to share with others. WATCH YOUR HANDWRITING!!! Turn it in to the teacher. Read it to a friend. Put it on the wall. Put it in a book. Put it on TV.

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