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Final Reminders for FSA Writing

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1 Final Reminders for FSA Writing
Do’s and Don’ts

2 DO… Remember the upside-down triangle for intro:
Hook, Bridge/Background, and Thesis And triangle for conclusion: Re-state thesis, refer back to hook if possible, and clinch it with something universal for the reader to think about (or call to action if it’s argumentative). You should include the reasons in your thesis, and if you do, make sure they match the rest of your essay to avoid disorganization.

3 DO… Read the prompt, then spend minutes just reading your sources and planning what you will write. Create a quick outline, underline, jot down notes, USE YOUR PLANNING SHEET! When referring to your sources, refer to the author or name of source, not « source 1, » etc. Use topic sentences instead of transitions (more of this later). ADDRESS COUNTERCLAIMS if your topic is argumentative!!!

4 DO… (continued) Elaborate! Explain yourselves. You have to be explicit with the reader. PROOFREAD!! The less avoidable and careless mistakes you make, the better chances you have of earning a good score. Remember the difference between « their, » « there, » and « they’re. » Remember « your » and « you’re. » Remember « to, » « two , » and « too. » Do not use run-on sentences. Whenever possible, split up your sentences into two! Remember basic rules of capitalization!!

5 DON’T… Be formulaic. Write outside the box. Make your essay stand out from the rest. OWN your essay! How? Refer to the « DO » slides. Use the word « it » so much. You should constantly remind them of what you’re talking about to avoid using « it » in the entire essay!

6 AVOID… Transitions whenever possible. You can use them within the essay (however, moreover, furthermore, thus), but at the beginning of your paragraphs you can use topic sentences just as effectively. Remember when using sources to use « According to, » « The _____ states, » and other such transitions. Avoid making your essay sound forced. They will see right through it.

7 AVOID… (cont’d) Using such phrases as
« I believe… » « I think… » « My opinion is… » « My first/second/last reason… » « Now I’m going to explain/persuade… » Using simple rhetorical questions such as « Don’t you think…. ?  » Repetition. This is where proofreading helps so you don’t say the same thing over and over again. Using weak « to be » verbs. If you use them, change them to stronger action verbs (active versus passive!)

8 The following are questions to consider when looking over your papers.
• Is the topic addressed? • Does the essay have focus? Did I stick to my topic from beginning to end? • Did I use ALL my sources? Did I do it correctly? • Are my ideas connected? Organized? • If I had more time, what would I add?

9 FINALLY… Eat a good, not-too-heavy breakfast
Relax and believe in yourselves.  8th grade: remember the mind is more powerful than you think. Remember what we discussed from the book.

10 “All it takes is Faith and Trust”
~ Peter Pan “When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable.” ~ Walt Disney

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