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We Are All Sales People (Some are just better than others)

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Presentation on theme: "We Are All Sales People (Some are just better than others)"— Presentation transcript:

1 We Are All Sales People (Some are just better than others)
Mark G. Richardson

2 We are all salespeople…

3 Some are just better than others!

4 Industry Insights vs. 2008-2012 2014 and beyond 5% growth respectable
20%+ growth realistic Get the phone to ring Land the planes Cut Expenses Build team Energy/AIP a fad Energy/AIP viable bus. Average sale $ down Average sale $ up Power of Brand Brand Confusion Manage Leadership

5 Owner Motivations

6 Owner Motivations Evangelist Legacy A Job! Investor Ego The Business

7 Past vs Today VS VSS

8 Today’s AMATEUR VS PRO vs AMATEUR PROFESSIONAL Project / Sale driven
Client / Business Centric Remodelers are competitors Remodelers are allies Dogmatic/change adverse Change or be irrelevant A Farmer A Hunter Technology is an option Technology is a necessity No Coach/out on an island Multiple Coaches/Advisors Training is an expense Training is an investment

9 sales tHEMES/Insights

10 Sales Themes/Insights
Nobody likes to be Sold, but everyone likes to Buy The “how” is as important as the “what” today. People buy emotionally but defend their choices logically LISTEN ( 80% rule ) Everyone lives by being Sold

11 Your Prospects are not STUPID. However, most are IGNORANT about NARI.

12 It’s Our Obligation to COMMUNICATE,
Not Others Responsibility to UNDERSTAND It’s our obligation to communicate, not others responsibility to understand

13 People buy when the “Value” is greater than the “Price”

14 Time is not on your side!

15 Voice of Reason

16 Think Strategic Partnerships
Vendor Allies Not Competitors Leverage Education Are you developing strategic Partnerships to position for the future? Developing and deepening more strategic Partnerships –by finding win-win ways to improve your business by working with supply chain, distribution, strategic partners and even the competition Like technology – you should be thinking differently strategic Partnerships. Three smart things to consider: Wipe the word vendor out of your vocabulary. Replace it with strategic Partnerships. This is a perceptual change – someone who helps you grow, win-win solutions Competition differently. Think of them as allies not just competitors. If you have low market share, working Associations Get help improving your business. In the past we looked to our suppliers (vendors) for help - Certification programs are more than just about your products and services – but improving your business. Things like service quality, financing, process improvement

17 People buy emotionally, but rationalize logically

18 Why an Association?

19 Why NARI?

20 Why NOW?

NOT an EXPENSE Change image

22 Balance High Tech with High Touch


24 Make It Visual! Mark G. Richardson 301.275.0208

25 A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words

26 Metaphor = 1000 Pictures

27 Use Diagrams Three types of Remodeling Businesses from: Boutiques 5%
Professional Firms 10% Small Craftsmen 85%

28 “If you say it, they understand it…
If you say it well, they FEEL it”

29 Language Matters

30 Language Matters Strategic Partnerships Synergistic Ear to the ground
Industry Insights Credibility Remodeling University Return on Investment Reduce Business Risk Exit Strategies Access to Experts Increase profit Change or become irrelevant

31 The Dialog...Key Phrases Third party... “Many of our members have found” “Are you happy with...?” “I think you owe it to yourself and your business...” “Don’t you think this warrants coming to at least one meeting?” “How long have you been thinking about xxx?” Listen and make it relevant to them, not you!

32 The Three “Es” Make it EASY Discuss it EARLY Do it EVERYTIME

33 Takeaways + Action Steps
We are all sales people  Change or become irrelevant! Time is not on your side! Make it visual! Think “Test Drive” It is an investment not an expense MAKE IT HAPPEN NOW!

34 Thank You Mark G. Richardson 301-275-0208

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