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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO HIGH SCHOOL!! WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT NINTH GRADE"— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME TO HIGH SCHOOL!! WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT NINTH GRADE Albert Einstein High School Administration and Counseling Department EINSTEIN HIGH SCHOOL. . . THE PLACE TO BE

2 AEHS Booster Club President, Mr. Reese
PTSA President, Mr. Rickman AEHS Booster Club President, Mr. Reese

3 General Expectations & Disciplinary Code Mr. Brown
Einstein High School General Expectations & Disciplinary Code Mr. Brown

4 Attendance Excused Absences Accompanied by a note from a
Death in your immediate family Illness Court Summons Religious holiday State of Emergency Hazardous weather conditions Lack of authorized transportation Permission from the principal Accompanied by a note from a parent within 3 school days

5 Attendance Unexcused Absences 3 unexcused tardies = 1
First unexcused absence = teacher warning Second = Second Teacher warning Third = or letter sent by MCPS Fifth = LC (Loss of Credit) in semester course or letter sent by MCPS

6 Loss of Credit Lose of Credit = LC grade
LC must be petitioned in writing after the 5th day notice Continue to take the course in case your LC petition is granted

7 Work Missed During An Absence
Make up all missing assignments Excused = Teacher will provide you with assignments Unexcused = Teacher does not have to help you make up assignments, provide retests, or extend the due date

8 Nondiscrimination Acts of hate/violence will not be tolerated
You have the right to be treated fairly and equally

9 Due Process Students have the right to due process Told of the charges
Explanation of the evidence Chance to tell their side of the story Appeal the result to the principal and/or higher authority

10 MCPS “Big 5” (recommendation for expulsion)
Discipline MCPS “Big 5” (recommendation for expulsion) Possession of a dangerous weapons Distribution of drugs, and or alcohol Attack on a staff member Possession of a bomb Making a bomb threat

11 Closure Welcome again to Einstein! Encourage your student to make the
right choices.

12 Success in High School Attend school daily (LC) Study in advance
Complete and turn in homework Students Should Check Edline at least 3x’s/week Build healthy friendships Communicate with teachers and counselors Remain eligible (2.0 GPA, no more than 1 E, per quarter) Participate in school activities (clubs/sports) Eat a healthy balanced breakfast and lunch Pass ALL classes- promotion policy

13 The MCPS Promotion Policy
Students will need to earn 5 credits, including 1 credit in math and 1 credit in English to promote to the next grade… Promote to 10th Grade = 5 credits (including 1 Math & 1 English credit)

14 Academies at a Glance International Baccalaureate (IB)
2. Finance, Business Management & Marketing (AOF) Renaissance Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) Thomas Edison HS of Technology Visual Art Center (VAC)

15 Graduation Requirements
Students must satisfactorily complete four years of high school earning at least 22 credits. A minimum of four of these credits must be earned after grade 11. These 22 credits must include: SUBJECTS REQUIRED CREDIT English Mathematics (1 credit Algebra & 1 credit Geometry) Science (1 credit Physical and 1 credit Biology) Social Studies (US History, NSL Gov’t, Modern World Hist.) Physical Education Health Fine Arts Technology Education Electives PROGRAM COMPLETER Foreign Language Or Advanced Technology Career Preparation High School Assessments (HSA): Algebra, Biology, English 10 (Passing score of each assessment or combined score of 1208 or greater) Total Credits Earned STUDENT SERVICE LEARNING hours

16 Grades…Grades…Grades
QUARTER QUARTER EXAM = SEMESTER GRADE The semester grade appears on the transcript; not the quarter or exam grades. The cumulative grade point average (GPA) accumulates from the end of semester 1 in the 9th grade through the end of the most recently completed semester. (Your grades in the 9th grade affect your GPA in the 12th grade when you will be applying to colleges and trade schools.) The weighted (WGPA) reflects a higher numerical grade for honors and advanced placement courses Middle school grades vs. High school grades Are the LC “rules” the same??

17 Tips for Parents Use Edline regularly Create a Parent Calendar
Do not take a “Hands off Approach” Parent teacher conferences Encourage your child to get involved Communication with your school (website, , phone, in person) Encourage your children to advocate for themselves.

18 Preparing Your Child for College
4 years of High School Math Continue foreign language in high school Take College Prep/Honor/AP Courses Participate in Extracurricular Activities Review transcript and know your child’s GPA

19 Other items… ACT PLAN- Oct 17th Lunch accounts Locker Assignments
Student confidentiality/ Duty to warn Plans with 9th grade Counselor Assignments Parent address

20 Thank you for coming… Questions???

21 9th Grade Parent Meeting Auditorium 7:00PM

22 9th Grade Parent Meeting Auditorium 7:00PM

23 Reunión para los padres de familia de noveno grado Salón 192 7:00PM

24 Reunión para los padres de familia de noveno grado Salón 192 7:00PM


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