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Public Relations Practitioners’ Edits

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1 Public Relations Practitioners’ Edits
Emily Linginfelter | COMM. 477 Tuesday, April 26, 2016

2 Background Information
User clicks + external links = Top result on Google Public perceives content as reliant information Nature (2006): Error Rates Vs.

3 Ethical Situation Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia Co-Creator
DiStaso (2012)- Human factual errors damage reputation & public perception Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia Co-Creator It is impossible for a PR professional to have balanced interests & neutral viewpoints when representing individuals, companies & groups for a paid salary. Wikipedia denies editing privileges for flagged PR accounts

4 Thesis If public relations practitioners exercise the Wikipedia community values of transparency, neutrality & verifiable knowledge, they have the right to fairly moderate and edit their representatives’ Wikipedia articles

5 Outline Bell Pottinger Ethical Case Wikipedia’s Perspective
“Five Pillars” of Wikipedia “Bright Line” Rule Potter Box- Jimmy Wales PR Perspective Responses to “Bright Line Rule” Potter Box- PR Practitioners Proposed PR Guidelines for Wikipedia

6 Bell Pottinger (2012) Case Negative information was spun or deleted on clients’ Wikipedia articles by one particular username, “Biggleswiki” Lord Pottinger said allegations were true, but he believed illegal activity did not take place Ten other Wikipedia accounts had IP addresses tracing back to the PR firm Lord Pottinger

7 Wikipedia’s Perspective
Part I. The “Five Pillars” Wikipedia is an encyclopedia Wikipedia is written from a neutral point of view Wikipedia is free content that anyone can edit, use, modify and distribute Editors should interact with each other in a respectful & civil manner Wikipedia does not have firm rules Wikipedia Codes of Ethics

8 Wikipedia’s Perspective
Part II. “Bright Line” Rule Marketers & PR specialists should never directly edit Wikipedia content about their clients or employers Instructions: Leave editorial decisions to “disinterested volunteers” by making suggestions or drafting potential edits in the “talk” section of Wikipedia

9 (1) Potter Box for Jimmy Wales
Definition PR practitioners act unethically when they edit & delete a representative’s Wikipedia article. When personal interests & pay are added, it is impossible to have a neutral mindset & voice. Therefore, the Ethical Wiki board considers implementing the “bright line” rule. Loyalties The Wikipedia editors and community The public use of Wikipedia Neutrality Donors/Investors Values Fairness Truth Telling Social Justice The Public’s Right to Know Transparency Verifiable Knowledge Principles Mill’s Principle of Utility Rawl’s Veil of Ignorance

10 PR Perspective Part I. Arguments DiStaso:
Denies Public’s Right to Accurate Information Promotes power imbalance Conclusion: If editing cannot be extended, Wikipedia must find an alternate way to quickly & accurately update its articles

11 PR Perspective Part II: Support
Phil Gomes (Edelman Digital Executive) created the Corporate Representatives for Ethical Wikipedia Engagement Four Pillars: Corporate communicators want to do the right thing Communicators engaged in ethical practice have a lot to contribute Current Wikipedia policy does not fully understand numbers 1 & 2, owing to the activities of some bad actors & a general misunderstanding of PR in general Accurate Wikipedia entries are in the public interest

12 PR Perspective Part II. Support (Cont.)
In 2014, Edelman & 11 other PR agencies publically committed to abide by the “five pillar” editing guidelines & “bright line” rule

13 (2) Potter Box for PR Practitioners
Definition It is unfair to establish a status quo for who can and cannot participate on Wikipedia. PR work is in the interest of the public, so edits are ethical when they correct errors that falsely change public perception. Ethical lines are crossed when PR practitioners cover their identities throughout the editing process. Loyalties The Public PR Profession Clients & Represented Companies Wikipedia Editors The Press & Media Employers Investors Values Transparency Truth Telling Social Responsibility The Public’s Right to Know Principles Islam’s Divine Command Noddings’ Relational Ethics Kant’s Categorical Imperative

14 PR Guidelines for Wikipedia
Before engaging with the community, review Wikipedia’s operating principles Be transparent rather than anonymous by describing your PR role in the “user information” page Always use verifiable facts and a strict neutral voice When making corrections, support claims with outside sources Contribute to other relevant Wikipedia articles Understand the fast-paced, fluid nature of the site. (a.k.a. Edits continuously evolve)

15 References Christians, C. G., Fackler, M., Richardson, K. B., Kreshel, P. J., & Woods, R. H. (2012). Media ethics: Cases and moral reasoning. Allyn & Bacon: Boston. Corbett, G. F. (2012, February 2). Making the case for PR pros editing Wikipedia. Techdirt. Retrieved from DiStaso, M. W., & Messner, M. (2010). Forced transparency: Corporate image on Wikipedia and what is means for public relations. Public Relations Journal, 4(2), Retrieved from DiStaso, M. W. (2012). Measuring public relations Wikipedia engagement: How bright is the rule? Public Relations Journal, 6(2), Retrieved from Ellison, S. (2006, March 24). On a war of words, famed encyclopedia defends its turf: At Britannica, comparisons to an online upstart are bad work of ‘Nature.’ The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from Estes, M. (2012, September 3). A lesson in PR ethics and Wikipedia. International Association of Business Communicators. Retrieved from Himler, P. (2012, January 10). Wikipedia & amp; the PR pro: Friend or foe? Forbes. Retrieved from King, D. (2015, March 3). Ethics in Wikipedia marketing: A guide to best practices. Ethical Wiki, Retrieved from

16 References Cont. Lee, D. (2012, March 8). Wikipedia investigates PR firm Bell Pottinger’s edits. BBC. Retrieved from Public Relations Society of America. (2015). PRSA Code Of Ethics. Retrieved from Public Relations Society of America. (2013, September 16). Survey finds errors in Wikipedia articles have damaged the reputation of companies [press release]. Retrieved from Public Relations Society of America. (2012, April 17). Survey finds majority of Wikipedia entries contain factual errors [press release]. Retrieved from Santana, A., & Wood, D. J. (2009). Transparency and social responsibility issues for Wikipedia. Ethics Information Technology, 11, doi: 10,1007/s y Sebastian, M. (2014, June 10). Top PR firms promise they won’t edit clients’ Wikipedia entries on the sly: Edelman, Burson-Marsteller among those signing pledge. Advertising Age. Retrieved from Thompson, G. (2016). Public relations interactions with Wikipedia. Journal of Communication Management, 20(1), Retrieved from Wasson, B. (2006). The wide world of Wikipedia and why PR practitioners should take note. Public Relations Society of America. Retrieved from

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