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Outreach to Adult Education Students Kaye Moore, 2009 Eureka Fellow San José Public Library.

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Presentation on theme: "Outreach to Adult Education Students Kaye Moore, 2009 Eureka Fellow San José Public Library."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outreach to Adult Education Students Kaye Moore, 2009 Eureka Fellow San José Public Library

2 Outreach to Adult EducationConnecting Adult Students to the Library Often overlooked for grant opportunities and partnerships The library already has the resources! Successful partnership: serve them first

3 Customer BaseAdult Ed ESLbeginning to advanced Medical Assisting Office Skills GED Pre-GED Adult Basic Education High School Diploma Steps to Enhance Professionalism

4 Why Adult Education? Reduced…

5 Surprises! Personality and continuity Generous inclusion Student turnover is rapid…or, who are these people?

6 Keeping up the good work More visits More variety Infiltrating the ranks

7 Outputs: Goals exceeded 8 is great, but 43 is better More than doubled # of students reached 195 cards issued Computers popular, but not the most important thing to our students Bought GED and Pre-GED textbooks

8 Benefit to the end user

9 Computer Class Goal: 75% would report the class helped their computer skills Goal exceeded

10 Benefit to the end userchange of plan Students are on module system, resulting in constant turnover. Measurement difficult. Follow-up surveys adapted to gauge library behaviors in the last 2 months Of 380 students, 58% used the library at least once, but 28% had used it 3+ times!

11 Benefit to the end userActivity

12 Benefit to the end uservalue added GED support program Computer classes expanded Lots of students in the building Resumption of ESL Conversation Club Launching of ESL Book Club Continued partnership with MetroEd

13 What do you need? Partnership Personable Staff Resources Adult Ed Center Flexible Locations Proximity Preferable

14 Investment pays off Changing the fabric of the community through supporting new learners Literally changing lives whether the student is reading a book, or touching a computer for the first time. They may be the first person in their family to get a degree, ever.

15 Questions? Contact me at

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