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Swedish House Mafia Don’t you worry child.

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1 Swedish House Mafia Don’t you worry child

2 Overview Swedish House Mafia or SHM as they are commonly referred to are a Swedish electronic dance group who came to fame in Their video for ‘Don’t you worry child’ consists of them performing their last ever gig, due to the group splitting up in 2012. The video is filmed in different angles and locations but focuses on the groups last ever live performance.

3 At the start of the video it shows black and white filming of the technology used in the music and also a hand using a helicopter joystick. This then fades into a black slide with the words ‘Swedish House Mafia presents’ as if the video is a movie. The music then starts, and the title slide then fades in an electric bolt into a foreign news reporter talking about SHM breaking up. The reporters voice is played over the music for a few seconds. The singing then starts, and the video fades into ‘home videos’ of SHM performing, as if we are looking back at their career in music. The videos have the static lines that old film clips get, which gives the audience the idea that the videos are very old and that the journey SHM have made is long and epic.

4 This is the ‘title’ scene the audience gets
This is the ‘title’ scene the audience gets. This was added to the video to make the video more movie like and authentic. It also includes the artist which tells the audience this is their video.

5 This is the news reporter, who sets the scene by telling the audience that SHM are breaking up, which tells the audience that this song is the groups last. The reporter is foreign which represents the fact the group are Swedish and also worldwide known.

6 This shows the ‘home videos’ of SHM performing before they were the sensation they are today. The static line across the screen makes the video look old and genuine, even though the quality of the actual video used wouldn’t be this bad. This effect creates authenticity.

7 The video then moves onto this, which is the main focus of the video, a huge festival style gig. The contrast of the ‘home videos’ and then this huge festival shows the audience in a nutshell how far SHM have come. The black and white imagery creates a bolder more impacting image. These scenes are time lapsed to show the crowd pouring into the field and filling up in front of the stage. This gives the audience an idea of how big SHM are and what size crowds they perform to.

8 These are establishing shots of the gig, which yet again give the audience an idea of how big this gig is, especially the birds eye view shot. Yet again these shots are time lapsed to show the audience filling up the gig.

9 The next shot is a slow motion shot of SHMs helicopter landing, as if they are arriving at the gig. The slow motion makes them look heroic and graceful, and creates the anticipation of the crowd. It also creates anticipation for the drop in the actual song.

10 This shows the group travelling from the helicopter to the stage which we saw in the earlier establishing shots. We see the vast crowds from the inside of the groups limo. This makes the audience feel as if they are part of the group as they are in the limo, and yet again shows the size of the crowds.

11 It then cuts to the group walking from the limo, and as they are walking up to the gig they are greeting people backstage. This shows that they are friendly and also respected and well known. It also adds to the ‘backstage pass’ feel of the video.

12 The video then cuts to SHM getting ready for the gig in their dressing room, with a cctv style shot from the top corner of the room, which yet again creates an authentic ‘fly on the wall’ feel to it.

13 The video then cuts to the three SHM guys walking towards the stage, through the backstage area in slow motion. This creates anticipation for the drop of the song, and also makes SHM look heroic. Yet again the feel of the audience being VIP in backstage is created by this shot.

14 After several shots of the crowd, the video then cuts to SHM appearing on stage. Over the top of the track, the gig presenter is announcing the group telling the crowd this is their last gig together. Then the music drops and SHM are unveiled to the crowd and all the lights start

15 Now the song has picked up pace, the camera has quite fast cuts, which all show the crowd going mental from different shots. Some are close ups on individuals whereas some are long shots and establishing shots of the entire crowd, with the occasional shot of SHM on stage.

16 As the camera is cut to the stage, SHMs three circle logo has been edited in with the lasers to create a futuristic electro feel, and also including the bands famous three circle logo for iconography. There are some intertextual references between this part of the video and the video for Jay-Z and Kanye West’s song ‘Niggas in Paris’.

17 SHM – Don’t You Worry Child
Jay-Z & Kanye – In Paris

18 In conclusion from this video I have discovered that there are many conventions to an electric house video, mainly being there are many slow mo shots of people dancing and singing, and also time lapsed shots. The best technology in lighting (Lasers and strobes) and shots and cuts are used to create a really vivid house video just like this one. From this I will definitely use some intertextual references for my video.

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