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Support for Innovation – Unit D2

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1 Support for Innovation – Unit D2
A place for cultural and creative industries in the European instruments supporting innovation Dr. Reinhard Büscher Head of Unit Support for Innovation – Unit D2 European Commission Enterprise and Industry Creativity, Culture and Innovation - Looking for new links; Brussels 8/9/2010 1

2 Creative Industries are
… an important part of economy and growth engine; … an important asset for attractiveness of cities and regions; … abundant in metropolitan areas – but not only there; … characterised by small and micro enterprises; … the showcase for dynamic entrepreneurship; … situated somewhere between art and commerce; … not a homogenous sector and constantly changing.

3 European cluster map European Cluster Observatory (2010) Priority Sector Report: Creative and Cultural Industries

4 European Creative Industries Alliance
Awareness raising Cooperation platform Framework conditions, trends & foresight Innovation support services Incubation & access to finance Cluster excellence & cooperation Links with other sectors Information service and guidance Pilot action I Public-private partnerships on vouchers for innovation support Pilot action II Public-private partnership on access to finance Pilot action III Public-private partnership on cluster excellence & cooperation

5 The European Creative Industries Alliance will
… intensify collaboration between national and regional initiatives supporting creative industries; … raise political awareness of the increasing economic importance of creative industries; … mobilise additional private and public funds in support of creative industries; … provide better support to innovation in creative industries and create spillovers in other economic sectors; … strengthen structures in creative industries that generate internationally competitive products, services and jobs.

6 Thank you for your attention
Support for Industrial Innovation Unit, Industrial Innovation and Mobility Industries Directorate European Commission, Enterprise and Industry Directorate-General For more information please contact :

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