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Welcome to 3rd Grade Parent Night

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1 Welcome to 3rd Grade Parent Night
Suncoast Elementary School

2 Grading: Language Arts (ELA)
Assessments: 40% Formatives: Standard Based Balanced Assessments Writing: 40% Essays (Narrative, Opinion, Expository) Writing Tasks Other: 20% Spelling Dictation Grammar

3 Grading: Math Formative Assessments: 35% Benchmark Assessments: 40%
Other: 25% Class work, Journals, Ticket out the Door

4 Grading: Science Assessments: 50% Class Work: 35% Unit Test
Lesson Quizzes Class Work: 35% Journals Labs Workbook

5 Grading: Social Studies
Assessments: 35% Weekly Assessments Class Work: 65% Projects Journals S= Satisfactory N= Needs Improvement U= Unsatisfactory

6 Florida Standards Assessment (FSA)
What is the FSA? An assessment that measures students’ achievement of Florida’s education standards, which were developed and implemented to ensure that all students graduate from high school ready for success in college, career, and life.  Students in grade 3 will participate in FSA ELA (English Language Arts) and Mathematics assessments. FSA ELA Paper-based Two- 80 minutes sessions April 9th and 10th FSA Mathematics Computer-based April 23rd – May 11th FSA Portal This portal is your source for information about the Florida Standards Assessments. Practice tests for both ELA and Mathematics

7 MTSS: Fluid Walls What is MTSS? Fluid Walls
Florida’s Multi-Tiered System of Support  Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is an evidence-based framework for school improvement. This framework involves the systematic use of multiple sources of data to most efficiently allocate academic and behavioral resources for the purpose of improving learning for all students. Through a Multi-Tiered System of Supports, schools focus on high-quality core instruction and provide interventions which are appropriately matched to the needs of students for the purposes of remediation and enrichment. Fluid Walls Based on data (iReady, classroom data, etc), students are grouped according to their needs. Each third grade teacher is working on an area that students need extra support with (phonics, vocabulary, comprehension). Some students are being enriched; this means they are receiving instruction at a higher, deeper level. Student supports are fluid; this means that the intensity of supports students receive should be transitioned up or down based on student’s performance over a set amount of time.

8 Now it’s time for… Questions

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