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Stay Safe On-line Michael Shortland

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1 Stay Safe On-line Michael Shortland
This PowerPoint contains links to over an hour of You Tube clips about on-line safety.

2 Identity theft Cyber stalking Cyber bullying The Main Dangers
Click on the links in the following slides for more information … This PowerPoint follows 3 aspects of on-line safety: Personal information – loss of, misuse and what users of Facebook have actually agreed to. (Slide 3) Cyber stalking – case studies etc. Demonstrating just how easy it is to stalk someone; even without direct contact! (Slide 4) Cyber bullying – case studies demonstrating the consequences; anti-bullying ads and a comical video about how to behave on-line (Slide 5) Michael Shortland

3 Protect Your Identity Be very careful when you post your personal information on-line. Do you know that Facebook can use any information that you make public? This includes the dangers on social networks sites… Who is looking at your wall? ... Click the images to find out more… Privacy? What privacy?... Images and underlined text are all hyperlinks to videos about the agreement all Facebook users have signed up to. Suggested viewing order: Privacy? What privacy?... What did you agree to when you signed up for a Facebook account? Dangers– CEOP warning about dangers on social network sites Look - advertisement warning about the consequences of indiscrete comments about colleagues at work or college Michael Shortland

4 Cyber Stalking We all know that cyber stalking happens but do we know just how easy, and serious, it can be? Click the images to find out more… Matt thought he knew… Tom’s Internet Safety Story… Girls – think U know? … Images and underlined text are all hyperlinks to videos about cyber stalking. Suggested viewing order: Talk – actor demonstrating how easy it is to stalk on the Internet Or – another actor – stalking and privacy settings Matt thought he knew – actors demonstrating how easy it is to be fooled on-line – boys get stalked too!!!! Girls – think you know – actors in a powerful warning for girls Tom’s Internet Safety story – actors in another graphic warning for boys + information about what to do if something does happen Becky’s story – another story about posting information and pictures online Becky’sstory… Michael Shortland

5 A safer day ... Cyber Bullying Cyber etiquette … Sometimes remarks that might seem harmless become exaggerated and cause considerable distress, or worse... Click the images to find out more… Consequence… Images and underlined text are all hyperlinks to videos about cyber bullying More – video about bullying and advice about reporting offenses A safer day – cleverly filmed illustration of how bullying can start Marks – warning about not writing things that you would not say publicly Anti-bullying – subtle advertisement promoting anti-bullying – watch the boy with white hair – he dyes it red to support the other boy Consequence – video depicts a teenage girl's experience of sexting. It highlights that once something is created in a digital format and then shared, you lose control over who sees it and what they do with it. Cyber etiquette – a humorous film set in the 1950s but making the point about how to behave on-line. A good clip to end with and lighten the tension. Anti bullying … Michael Shortland

6 Need help?... But you may in the future.
You may not need help now; You may not know someone who needs help now; But you may in the future. Make a note of these contacts: Click the images to find out more ... This slide only contains 2 links but they can be accessed from the images or the obvious hyperlinks – no excuses for not getting the message!!! CEOP – Child Exploitation Online Protection – this web site is operated by the police who receive 4 cases every day that are as serious as the one shown in Ellie’s Story - slide 4. That is: 4 very serious cases every day 28 every week 1260 every year – it couldn’t happen to you; could it!? Michael Shortland

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