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BOSCH Equipments Information.

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1 BOSCH Equipments Information

2 Blíster Bosch TLT- 1400 This equipment packs bulk. The blister formation can be formed in two ways: thermoformed or cold forming. Operational capacity is 255 pieces/min. System OPTEL Vision Veryfies the correct tablet filling in the blister. Printer HAPA This equipment prints the leyends and variable data on the liding foil of blisters.

3 Packer Bosch CTK-3060 This equipment packs the blister and the leaflet in boxes and embossed the variable data on the carton. Operational capacity 127 boxes/min. Weight Verifying Bosch KWE 3000 A Verifies that the product weight has the specification required. It’s operational capacity is 200 pieces/min.

4 Labelling NERI BL400 V(TE) XL
Label the boxes and print variable data such as: price, batch number, Expire date. with camera inspection. Banding Pester PEWO-PACK250 Compact Equipment for Banding cartons so can be manipulated and storage in to a collecting box.

5 Taper 3M A 20 Equipment used for taping boxes.

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