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Catherine Andersen Advisor/Institute Fellow JNGI Associate Provost and Chief Enrollment and Marketing Office Gallaudet University, Washington,

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Presentation on theme: "Catherine Andersen Advisor/Institute Fellow JNGI Associate Provost and Chief Enrollment and Marketing Office Gallaudet University, Washington,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Catherine Andersen Advisor/Institute Fellow JNGI Associate Provost and Chief Enrollment and Marketing Office Gallaudet University, Washington, D.C (retired) Senior Teagle Assessment Scholar FoE Winter Meeting 2013

2 Agenda Possible outcomes beyond FoE Moving from FoE to Accreditation Moving from Accreditation for Strategic Planning Moving from Strategic Planning to Unit Level Action Planning Lessons learned Questions, answers and sharing

3 Possible Sustainable FoE Outcomes Campus wide awareness of importance of First- Year Leadership support of FoE recommendations and implementation Increased participation of faculty and staff in First-Year activities Integration of FoE recommendations in Strategic Planning and Budgeting Process Integration of FoE recommendations in Unit Level Action Planning Integration of FoE recommendations in Accreditation Integration of FoE recommendations in Restructure Integration of FoE into the institution even when leaders change.

4 Moving from FoE to Accreditation FoE is a process that culminates with action items (clearly defined goals and outcomes) that are supported by evidence FoE is a processes that stresses the importance assessment FoE is a process positions the institution to support accreditation efforts All of the accrediting bodies have standards, core outcomes etc., that align with FoE

5 Moving from FoE to Accreditation Dimensions Mapped to MSCHE Standards Philosophy MSCHE 1 Organization MSCHE 3, 4, 5 Learning MCHES 10, 11, 12 Faculty MSCHE 10, 11, 12 Transitions MSCHE 8 and 9 All Students MSCHE 8 and 9 Diversity MSCHE 8, 9, 11, 12 Roles and Purpose MSCHE 1 and 2 Improvement ALL FOE Guided Self-Study Nine Dimensions Using a self study of the first year to support institutional sustainability

6 GOAL -Improve Student Retention, Learning &Graduation MSCHE Recommendations Improve student retention Improve student learning Improve academic rigor Support students who marginally meet criteria Actions Increase admission & explored path to graduation (DFWD) Develop SLOs and assess Embed and assess rigor Develop Bridge, PLUS, early intervention, campus ownership for all students

7 MSCHE Standard Eight – critical elements Programs and services to ensure that admitted students who marginally meet or do not meet the institution's qualifications achieve expected learning goals and higher education outcomes* * in 2007 Gallaudet University was out of complicate on 8 of 14 standards (including #8) and placed on probation. We were in the middle of FoE. Recommendations Require programs for marginal students Actions Establish criteria for participation in Summer Bridge Establish criteria for participation in Plus (Performance Learning Undergraduate Success) Reduce high failure rate in developmental math - include SI and require tutoring

8 Division/Unit Level Actions Goal: Increase pass rates in Developmental Math by 15% 200 and 300 level course by 10% Recommendation: Identify courses with High DFWD rates. (This is a required part of the Foundations process). Action: Develop targets and action plans for reducing high DFWD Division: Academic Affairs Dept/Unit: Advising and Tutorial and Instructional Programs, Math Department. When: AY12-13 What: Expand tutoring services and supplemental instruction into upper division courses for target populations and require tutoring in Developmental Math

9 From FoE Action Items to Unit Level Action Plans Intuitional improve retention Academic Affairs Improve pass rates in high DFWD Math Dept Action Plan Require Tutoring TIP Action Plan Increase SI and Tutoring Student Affairs Action Plan Goals become more actionable and assessable as they move from the broadly stated level to the specific program or course level.

10 FoE to Strategic Planning Common Strategic Planning Goals Enhance University-wide retention efforts (Bowie State) Develop and implement a University Academic Advisement Center that provides centralized advisement. Require mandatory continuous advisement and counseling for conditional, probationary, and summer bridge admitted students and for students on academic warning and probation. Launching tomorrow's leaders (Purdue University) by enhancing student success with careers in a dynamic global society, as well as fostering intellectual, professional and personal development for lifelong learning. Strengthen Academic Excellence (Catholic University) Establish collaborative learning centers that allow students and faculty to work informally outside of the classroom Improve student preparation for higher education and transition to careers (Houston Community College) Require mandatory student orientation via Pre-Enrollment Information Sessions Expand student participation in the Minority Male Initiative (MMI)

11 FoE – At the Center of Accreditation and Planning Accreditation: The MSHCE team also that the enrollment management work group were able to cite an impressive array of evidence for recent decisions on strategies to recruit qualified students and to improve student retention. All 14 standards were met in June 2008. Planning: The current Strategic Plan included five broad goals – three include numerous FoE Action Items. All Schools, Units and Departments have specific action plans to support the Strategic Plan. Many of these plans include specific FoE Action Items We could not have achieved this had we not participated in FoE.

12 Lessons Learned Unless actions are in some way tied to the strategic plan (or accreditation which should be tied to the strategic plan) they may not survive Unless actions are tied to the strategic plan and hence the budget process they may not survive Unless actions have a strong assessment component they will not survive (you may need to show a return on investment If you are prepared to move this work beyond the first-year, imbed it in high level university initiates your hard work can survive leadership changes Be visible, helpful and let your work fill a critical need

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