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English I, II and III August 29th, 2016
Mrs. Olivia Hardison English I, II and III August 29th, 2016
Introduction Olivia Jayde Hardison Graduated from MOC (UMO)
East Duplin High School Began teaching in Wayne County Why I teach Passion and exploring the world My goals More School, change lives, spread awareness, make a comfortable and happy life for myself and my family Family Married for 5 years to HS SH Two boys (five-just started school and one-just started terrorizing lives)
Your introduction! Write down your name, three of your favorite things (can be a song, movie, sport, food, color, etc.), your best subject in school (cannot be lunch or PE), one thing that you think I should know about you, three short term goals you have, and three long term goals you have. You will share your name and three other items of your choice, as well as one question you have for me.
Class structure 1st Journal every day-5-7 people can share for points. Points are required! I am also trying to work out a way for you all to get a blog going 2nd Student teaching or pre-reading 3rd Reading time for class set (may be read as class, individual, partners, etc), or read aloud if applicable 4th Discussion or mini-project if applicable 5th Current events- Tuesdays and Thursdays for points or in class research 6th Supplemental Reading time, or writing assignment 7th Twitter-Wall (closure) for points.
Expectations Respect-comes from within; treat others how you want to be treated. Do the right thing because you are a good person! Tolerance- We won’t always like everyone, but we can learn to deal with them appropriately. Effort- Not everyone is great in English class, but we can all give our best every day! This also accounts for being timely and organized. Accountability- If you mess up, own it, admit, apologize if necessary, and do better from here on out.
Consequences Warning Student/teacher conference with possible assignment Parent contact/ after school detention Administration involvement-write up
Non-negotiables-it’s an understanding
Do not talk while I am talking. Do not talk while anyone is talking for that matter! #rude Do not cheat, aka plagiarize, aka steal, aka copy! You will be suspended and get a 0. #didyoucopyordidyouplagiarize #samething DO have a positive attitude and understand that everyone has to do things they don’t like. #whatislife DO ask me questions and talk out things you don’t understand, privately. #gradesmatter Do not put your head down in this class, or sleep in any other position. #staywoke Do not use text talk such as above, for any reason, unless properly included in your work. Yes, there is a way to insert things like that. #blog #maybejournal #googleit DO expect to always write using complete sentences. Don’t even ask. #youareinENGLISHclass
General Rules and Procedures
Raise hand to ask questions and to get out of your seat unless otherwise stated. No food or drink in class. If you chew gum, throw your trash away at the end of class. NO CELL PHONES unless I give the okay and it will only be for educational purposes. If I see a phone in use, I will take it until the end of class. If I see it again, I will keep it until the end of the day. If it happens again, I will give it to the principal and write them up. If the student does not comply, this is also an automatic write up. Bathroom breaks should be taken advantage of during class changes. You have five minutes to handle that. I understand we all have emergencies, but no student, unless medically specified, will go to the bathroom more than once during my class, per week. DURING THAT ONE TIME IF NEEDED, YOUR CELL PHONE HAS TO BE ON MY DESK! NO BATHROOM TRIPS WILL BE PERMITTED WITH A CELL PHONE IN YOUR POSSESSION! We have tables instead of desks. This is to be used to promote collaborative group work (something DCS encourages), not to sit and talk with friends. If you excessively talk about non- related matters, you will be moved and have additional assignments at the end of the day. Pay attention and use your time wisely.
Continued… You are to be seated with materials out BEFORE the bell rings. Not seated by a friend; seated in your assigned seat. Be ready to start the day on time. Even if you aren’t working until the bell rings, be ready to go WHEN it rings. Be prepared. If you don’t have something, we’ll figure it out, but don’t let it become a habit. Name and date should be on everything. MAKE THIS A HABIT. I will take off points for not having your name on the paper. The date is to help you stay organized. Late work will have deductions, no matter what, unless an extreme situation is present. I will take off 10 points every day work is late. You can always work if needed. If you know a due date and get sick the day of, it to me. If you know you will be out on a due date, you must turn it in the day before you will be out. Missed work has one week to be completed for full, earned credit. After that, you can only receive half credit. After two weeks, I will not accept it. It is your responsibility to make up journals (daily), and any other work we do during class. Being tardy breaks a school rule. On your third tardy you will receive one day of after school detention, fourth tardy-two ASD, fifth tardy-3 ASD.
Grading Test- 25 Quiz- 15 Project- 30 Participation- 30
Participation shows that you are actively involved in class. This means that you are listening, thinking, speaking, and getting up to present regularly. This also shows that you understand what we are doing, or that you are asking questions when you need help. Projects are typically a way for you to express yourself. We are not all the best test takers, so projects allow you to tap into your creativity and do your best Quizzes let me and you know where you are at, before the test. Please use them as a guide as to what you need to work on more Tests are my way of figuring out what you have learned. I like to view tests as a method of learning; this means that you can gauge what concepts and standards you’ve grasped. I have never given multiple choice test, but if you do see one, expect written answers to follow.
Participation This is a weekly grade! English I-30 points
English II- 35 points English III- 40 points Ways to earn and their worth: Journals-5 points Twitter-wall (hashtag one thing you learned, a question you have, or one thing you want to know more about at the end of class, every day)- 5 points Reading aloud- 5 points Current Events- 5 points if about any random topic, 10 points if it relates to our reading
Supplemental Reading You must choose a book of your own to read and complete the given assignment by the due date (not passed out yet). Tentatively due by January 13th, 2017 Page requirements English I- 300 English II- 350 English III- 400
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