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B1 Level Centro Linguistico di Ateneo Elisabetta Soro

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1 B1 Level Centro Linguistico di Ateneo Elisabetta Soro
English Course B1 Level Centro Linguistico di Ateneo Elisabetta Soro

2 80 total 50 in person 30 off site/remotely Numbers 15 synchronous
15 asynchronous

3 Timetable Monday 4 – 6 Wednesday 4 – 6
Lab M.M. C.L.A v.le Merello Ingegneria, Cagliari Wednesday 4 – 6 Aula 5 via Porcell, 2 Cagliari

4 Calendar September October November December January February FINAL EXAM

5 General Classroom/Online lesson Succession (It might be modified)
40 Lessons 25 Classroom 15 Online Lessons 1-6 = Classroom Lessons 7 – 8 = Online 2A* *S = synchronous A = asynchronous Lessons 9 – 12 = Classroom Lessons 13 – 15 = Online 2S + 1A Lessons 16 – 19 = Classroom Lessons 20 – 23 = Online 2S + 2A

6 Lessons 24 – 25 = Classroom Lessons 26 – 27 = Online 2A Lessons 28 – 29 = Classroom Lessons 30 – 33 = Online 2S + 2A Lessons 34 – 40 = Classroom

7 Absences 20% maximum 16 hours maximum

8 Goals CAN order a meal in a restaurant; CAN ask basic questions about the food in relation to the menu, and about the services available (e.g. use of credit cards, availability of high-chairs or half-portions for children). CAN make a complaint about straightforward matters, for example, the service or the bill. CAN book a room in a hotel over the phone. CAN establish to his/her own satisfaction that the accommodation on offer fulfils all his/her needs. CAN deal with most situations likely to arise in a hotel, such as messages, ordering, etc.

9 CAN keep up a casual conversation for a reasonable period of time, provided that this is of a mainly familiar, predictable nature. CAN express opinions on abstract/cultural matters in a limited way. CAN ask for advice and understand the answer, provided this is given in everyday language. CAN write a simple fax or letter enquiring as to the availability of accommodation, provided this is restricted to the booking of a room and similar matters. CAN write to a hotel in order to confirm accommodation, etc. CAN write letters on a limited range of predictable topics related to personal experience.


Antonia Clare JJ Wilson Student’s book My Lab version With Active Book PEARSON FIRST EDITION

12 Final exam Written 2 hours Oral 5/10 minutes Pair discussion Interview

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