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EAPN preparations for 2010 Workshop 2 breaking stereotypes: communicating the realities of poverty EAPN General Assembly, Vienna, June 12th 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "EAPN preparations for 2010 Workshop 2 breaking stereotypes: communicating the realities of poverty EAPN General Assembly, Vienna, June 12th 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 EAPN preparations for 2010 Workshop 2 breaking stereotypes: communicating the realities of poverty EAPN General Assembly, Vienna, June 12th 2009

2 Update on preparation EAPN approach and activities National Networks Next steps

3 Update on preparations

4 What is going on at EU level
European Commission priorities: - nominating national Implementation Bodies (NIBs) - selecting a communication agency dialogue with stakeholders dialogue with NIBs: Consultative Committee EU 2010 Task Force Little visibility of the political dimension of the Year Spanish and Belgian presidencies: positive and open but need to get more concrete

5 National preparations: timeline
Mid May 2009: submission of national programmes to Commission (+/- half submitted by mid June) July 2009: approval of national programmes (assessments under way of first programmes) September 2009: first calls for projects December 2009: signing of contracts between the Commission and the National Implementing Bodies

6 National preparation: National Networks’ concerns
Positive - Partnership, support to network’s staff - Improved relations with ministry, permanent Consultative Committee for Social Inclusion - Advisory committee membership However - Lack of information and transparency on composition of the NIB: will they have political dimension and link with NAPs? - Lack of strong NGO participation and good dialogue in some countries Low level of funding, and budgets for NGOs? (crisis) Concern about deadlines slipping

7 EU NGOs cooperation Regular exchange with about 40 organisations (NGO contact group) Steering group of 9 organisations AGE, European Women's Lobby, CARITAS EUROPA, Social Platform Secretariat, Solidar, Eurochild, European Anti-Poverty Network, FEANTSA, ATD Quart Monde - EAPN providing secretariat: EY 2010 coordinator

8 Key EU communications events during the
Year - Media conference (29 October 2009) - Opening (Jan ) and closing conferences - EU focus weeks: Spring and Autumn - Website and newsletter - Ambassadors (‘famous’ + people’s ambassadors) - Art exhibition (artists with PEP) + journalists competition - Media relation networks Logo, banners, posters, letterheads…

9 EAPN approach and proposals for activities

10 General framework Making the link across Europe
Rotating national focus: National Focus Weeks - activities throughout all year but one “under spotlight” European calendar with all countries taking part Two European « focus weeks » : Spring Media Week and Human Ring around the European Insitutions (October) - exchange on outcomes strong participation and outreach beyond traditional conference: debates and events (festivals, sports, arts, symbolic events…)

11 Strengthen democratic participation
Ensure that 2010 gives a voice to people experiencing poverty and helps turning good practices into policies Strengthen dialogue between NGOs and public authorities Highlight NGOs’ difficult situation (crisis) Help strengthen link with NGOs from candidate countries

12 Some National Focus Weeks already decided
Jan - Feb Ireland Austria March 1-7 Hungary (+F 4-10?), 8-14 Slovenia, Lux April Malta, Czech Republic May 31-June 6 Spain June Germany, 28-July 4 Poland (+Bulgaria?) July Romania August - September Lithuania, Belgium, 27-Oct 3 UK October Portugal, Cyprus, Sweden November 1-7 Denmark, 8-14 Greece, italy, Finland December -

13 Strengthen democratic participation How?
Each NN organises event with strong participation during national focus weeks Strong participation in EU level focus week (People Experiencing Poverty meeting, May) Exchange and support to National Networks in their dialogue with National Implementing Bodies EAPN paper on participation in the fight against poverty

14 Towards new political commitment
- Make sure the Year is more than a communication campaign and new steps are made Review steps made in the last decades at different levels (local=>EU) Link to debate on crisis and post-Lisbon

15 Political outcomes: a reflection in the making: what do we imagine?
(draft GA final declaration) - Rights and dignity for all - Economy at the service of people and public interest - That all policies are mobilised to end poverty in Europe/ re-thinking the system - Mobilisation and participation of everyone - Solidarity between the struggles against poverty in the world and in Europe

16 Political outcomes: A reflection in the making: what are we calling for?
Vision and strategy Poverty at the heart of a new post Lisbon strategy Social Progress Pact Global social standards Legislation EU Directive on Adequate Minimum Income Framework Directive on Services of General Interest Strengthen EU anti discrimination legislation Better governance and more participation Reinforce the OMC Recognise the value and rights of PEP Mobilisation of resources Financial support to NGOs in the fight against poverty

17 Awareness raising How? National and EU level focus weeks
Portraits of PEP drafted by National Networks National template with key info on each country Video on aspirations for 2010 and photo exhibition building on 8th People Experiencing Poverty meeting Night of broadcasting (May EU week) Human Rings (October EU week) Common NGO website Written contribution on all key messages Alliance with media

18 Alliance-building Key objective in itself:
make 2010 visible and as participatory as possible get as many actors as possible to put poverty on their agenda in 2010 How? Keep on supporting NGO dynamic (secretariat + chair) Approach foundations to provide national and EU support - Engage trade unions, business, key EU Institutions around political requests and EU focus weeks

19 What about National Networks?

20 Proposal for common NN activities
Each NN has own priorities but suggestion for some common contributions: One event with strong participatory dimension (during the focus week) and outreach, cooperation with other stakeholders Contribution to 1 country fiche to give more detail, highlight progress made, good and bad practices (to be used for each focus week) Written portraits of People Experiencing Poverty

21 Initial proposals for NN activities: awareness-raising
Awareness raising campaign challenging stereotypes (FIN, PT) Social Housing Agency (Lux) Exhibition on homelessness (S) - Interactive theatre (AT, BE, DE) Artistic competitions (films, novels: DE) Business to commit publicly (ad in stations: DK) - Symbolic actions (10 stones in front of Parliament, DE) - Access to culture event (Lux) - Action week of counselling services (« poverty link »,DE) Training and recommendations for key actors (schools, media, NGO staff, politicians, civil servants) Many participation events

22 Initial proposals for NN activities: political outcomes
Some ideas for national outcomes: - New horizontal anti-poverty agency (PL, HU) - New anti-poverty strategy (PL) - Concrete targets and objectives (BE, DE) New minimum income schemes (AT, HU) Quantified poverty targets (SP) BE (and SP) focusing on EU outcomes (presidencies): - New EU targets and commitment for 2020

23 4. What next?

24 Next steps EAPN EU Formulate the political message
Contract EY 2010 NGO website design Liaise with NNs EY contacts Liaise with EU NGO contact group Disseminate information Plan EY activities: Spring and Autumn Weeks NNs - Engage with National Implementing Bodies - Seek funding for activities - Finalise plans for EU year - Submit national information for EY 2019 NGO website

25 EAPN EY 2010 coordination

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