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Welcome! League for Innovations Chicago

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! League for Innovations Chicago"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! League for Innovations Chicago - 2016
Finding Qwemqwəmt: Re-imagining Post-secondary Education For Aboriginal People Welcome! League for Innovations Chicago

2 Overview Introduction of thesis Personal Relevancy Research question
Theoretical Framework Conclusion

3 Introduction of Thesis Personal Relevance Why this Topic – A Story

4 Personal Relevance Why this Topic – My Story
My family My professional Career My Observations A Story

5 Research Questions What was the nature and impact of the educational experiences of Aboriginal male and female students before they came to us? Did these students realize that they had the potential to be great students? W5 What attributes exist that support success for returning stop-outs to post-secondary studies?

6 Theoretical Framework: Concepts of the Enowkinwixw Process and Tmixʷ
The Enowkinwixw process serves as a model for a pedagogical procedure, in that, it teaches a dialogical process in order to achieve balance and resolution. The concept of tmixʷ serves as an Indigenous epistemology in regards to the axiology or value that all things in nature have with each other. Tmixʷ is the spreading out and twining of all Indigenous Knowledge around individuals and communities…we are all tmixʷ.

7 Theoretical Framework
This theoretical framework explores the Enowkinwixw process as exemplified in the Four Chiefs story and tied to an individual’s relationship to primacy of place or land or tmixʷ

8 Theoretical Framework: Four Chiefs Story

9 Theoretical Framework: Concept of the Enowkinwixw Oppositional Dynamics Model
The word En'owkin is an Okanagan conceptual metaphor which describes a process of clarification, conflict resolution and group commitment. With afocus on coming to the best solutions possible through respectful dialogue, literally through consensus.

10 Theoretical Framework: Concept of tmixʷ

11 Theoretical Framework: Concept of the Enowkinwixw Oppositional Dynamics Model over the concept of tmixʷ Individual Family Community tmixʷ Education QUESTION Indigenous Knowledge ICIE Aboriginal Community Policy

12 Conclusion Questions…

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