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2 Learn AND Share in English
Amadeu Marques; Ana Carolina Cardoso 1º ano do ensino médio

3 Unit 7 - The Old Man Had Gone Eighty-Four Days Without Taking a Fish
Nessa unidade: Let's Start Reading Word Study Language Study Listening Speaking Writing

4 Unit 7 - The Old Man Had Gone Eighty-Four Days Without Taking a Fish
Let’s Start Observe the book covers on the right and answer: Have you read any of these books or seen any movies adapted from them? What are they about? One of those novels tells a story about a young wizard. Which one?

5 Unit 7 - The Old Man Had Gone Eighty-Four Days Without Taking a Fish
Before You Read You are going to read two excerpts from the novel The Old Man and the Sea. Go back to page 122, observe that novel's book cover and answer the following questions. What is the setting of the story? Where do you think the action takes place? What is the main character's occupation, can you guess?

6 Unit 7 - The Old Man Had Gone Eighty-Four Days Without Taking a Fish
After You Read Discuss the following questions with a classmate. Do you think the old man was a persevering person? Do you think we should always persevere in something we believe in? The boy wanted to help the old man to fish, even though he hadn't caught any fish for many days. Do you think the boy had the right attitude? Why (not)? Would you like to read that novel? Why (not)?

7 Unit 7 - The Old Man Had Gone Eighty-Four Days Without Taking a Fish
Let's Practice Read the following book synopsis and complete it with the relative pronouns which, who or that. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets All Harry Potter wants is to get away from the Dursleys and go back to Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. But just as he's packing his bags, Harry receives a warning from a strange, impish creature named Dobby _________ says that if Harry Potter returns to Hogwarts, disaster will strike.

8 Unit 7 - The Old Man Had Gone Eighty-Four Days Without Taking a Fish
As You Listen Complete the sentences below with the missing words, according to what you listen. To make the list, they looked at all novels published between the years 1900 and _________________. They have ranked them according to four aspects: their ____________________ merit, importance, popularity and ability to ____________________ the century in which they were written.

9 Unit 7 - The Old Man Had Gone Eighty-Four Days Without Taking a Fish
Speaking Invite a classmate to watch one of those movies with you. Don't forget to mention If it was a novel adaptation; A brief description of the story; Why you would like to watch the movie; Time and place to watch the movie.

10 Unit 7 - The Old Man Had Gone Eighty-Four Days Without Taking a Fish
Writing Choose the correct alternatives (more than one) about the story. The main character of the story is a real hero. The narrator of the story and the main character are the same person. The narrator had already died when he told the story. Brás Cubas died from a heart disease.

11 Unit 7 - The Old Man Had Gone Eighty-Four Days Without Taking a Fish
Think About It Do you think reading is important? Why (not)? Read the text to find out some reasons why reading fiction is important. Then discuss the following questions with a classmate.

12 Unit 8 – I'm Going To Be A Scientist
Nessa unidade: Let's Start Reading Word Study Language Study Writing Listening Speaking Check Your English 2 Project 2

13 Unit 8 – I'm Going To Be A Scientist
Let’s Start "The Tree of Science" in the illustration on the right shows some of the fields of science. In your notebook, match the names of the fields to the pictures that represent them. Zoology Geology Mathematics Physics Meteorology Geography Chemistry Botany Astronomy Anthropology Physiology

14 Unit 8 – I'm Going To Be A Scientist
Before You Read The picture illustrating the text shows a fruit. Do you like that fruit? It is used in several delicious desserts. Which do you like most? Banana pie Banana split Banana ice cream Fried banana Banana with açaí Banana chips Banana smoothie Others

15 Unit 8 – I'm Going To Be A Scientist
Word Study Observe the words in bold in the following sentences and choose the corresponding words in Portuguese. "Bilgin hopes to one day attend medical school [...]" "Winning this competition will bring me one large step closer to my dream of attending Med School [...]“ Atender; largo: atendendo. Atender; largo; frequentando. Cursar; grande; cursar.

16 Unit 8 – I'm Going To Be A Scientist
Language Study Read another comic strip and do the following activities in your notebook. Answer the following questions. Is Calvin going to do an experiment? What is he going to do? In your opinion, is it going to work? Does Susan like Calvin's idea? Is she going to wait and see what happens? © 1993 Watterson/Dist. by Universal Uclick Available at: < Accessed on: September 22, 2015.

17 Unit 8 – I'm Going To Be A Scientist
Writing A science fair project description usually contains four steps. Take a look at the list below and write those four steps in the correct order as headings for the text "Corrosiveness of Soda". Material Results Problem Procedure marimedi/Shutterstock

18 Unit 8 – I'm Going To Be A Scientist
As You Listen The three teenagers have similar opinions when it comes to what they don't like about their fields. What is it? They have to study a lot. It is difficult to find a job in those areas. Sometimes things don't work as expected. Reprodução/<

19 Unit 8 – I'm Going To Be A Scientist
Speaking Get together with a classmate and ask each other the following questions about your future plans and predictions. What will you do when you finish school? Are you planning to go to university? Will you study in another city? If so, where? Are you planning to get a job? If so, in which area? Are you going to take any course? If so, which one? Will you study another language? If so, which one?

20 Unit 8 – I'm Going To Be A Scientist
Think About It Discuss the following questions in small groups. Is there any idea mentioned in the text that you have already tried out with banana peels? Which ideas do you think are the most interesting ones? Why? Which ones are the most useful? Why? Which ones are the simplest? Why? What else can you do with banana peels?

21 Unit 8 – I'm Going To Be A Scientist
Check Your English 2 The title: “Harry Potter Star Gives Dyspraxia Advice” means… Advises people to be clever wizards. Campaigns for children with a serious health condition. Has become a hero only for kids who suffer from dyspraxia.

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