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Journal (9/7) Record a dream in whatever style you would like. Try to interpret the dream in your records. What does this mean about you? Think about.

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Presentation on theme: "Journal (9/7) Record a dream in whatever style you would like. Try to interpret the dream in your records. What does this mean about you? Think about."— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal (9/7) Record a dream in whatever style you would like. Try to interpret the dream in your records. What does this mean about you? Think about a time in your life that you have changed. What was the moment that brought on that change? Why? Write everything you can remember about yesterday.

2 Non Fiction Mini Genres
Journalism (Cultural Commentary) Reporting on a true event– the event can be spontaneous or planned Typically Journalists try to make sense of this event in the context of the culture they are a part of. Personal Essay (Personal Reflection) Recalling a personal event and assigning it with your own personal meaning. People who write personal essays try to make their life story applicable to everyone through self reflection.

3 Personal Essay Choices
Journalism Choices Personal Essay Choices “A Very Revealing Conversation with Rihanna” by Miranda July This piece is a bizarre piece of Rihanna Fan-Fiction masquerading as an interview with a celebrity. Choose this is you like the idea of an off-beat interview, like Rihanna, or can appreciate when people can’t control their fan-dom. “Something Wicked This Way Comes” by Chuck Klosterman This piece a report on “Bat Day” a day where 1000s of goth people flock to Disneyland unannounced. Choose this if you are interested in making sense of strange cultural phenomenon, like author’s with sarcastic voices, don’t mind salty commentary. “Me Talk Pretty One Day” by David Sedaris This piece is a funny essay about the author’s brief and horrifying stay in France, trying to learn the language. Choose this if you would prefer a funny piece or are interested in non-conventional dialogue. It will also hit home if you have ever been to a country that does not speak your home language. “Shooting an Elephant” by George Orwell This is an amazing essay by the dystopian author about living in Colonized Burma as a soldier. In the essay he wrestles with himself about… shooting an elephant. Choose this piece if you like history, tension and moral conflict in writing. If you have read 1984, you might also appreciate contrasting this piece with his novel.

4 Author Says Author does Because
This should be direct quotes or specific moments that you want to discuss Example: That strange woman Ms. Lake is wearing stupid gold glasses again. She’s a total freak. Assign a verb to the quote and explain. What WRITING ACTION is your author taking? Verbs Could Include: Describe, Exaggerate, Connect, Reflect, Emphasize, Narrate, Introduce, Illustrate, Demonstrate, Criticize, Question, Depict, Establish, Interpret, **Make sure you include what the verb does. Criticizes the fashion sense of her batty teacher What effect does this have on you as a reader? Why is the author doing the thing they are doing? This puts the reader on edge around Ms. Lake. She’s obviously an outsider.

5 Collaborate with your Mini Genre Team
Discuss the similarities and differences of your pieces of art to determine: The Non-Negotiable Rules of Your Mini-Genre What do writers seemingly have to do in order to create this piece of writing? Stylistic Choices within Your Mini-Genre What kinds of variation do you find between the pieces?

6 Weekend To Do: Listen to 1 Podcast from your Genre + Record Says/Does/Because
Journalism Humans “06 Female” on Snap Judgement "Bliss" by Radiolab (Choose one of the 3 sections of the Podcast) Personal Essay Humans "Just One More Swirl Around the Bowl" on Modern Love Something from The Moth on NPR

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