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Medieval Times Government/Society Life and the Feudal System

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Presentation on theme: "Medieval Times Government/Society Life and the Feudal System"— Presentation transcript:

1 Medieval Times Government/Society Life and the Feudal System
Date: A B What impact did the Vikings have on the formation of Modern Day Europe? Medieval Times Government/Society Life and the Feudal System Class Work: Warm Up: Warm Up: Write down what you remember about the Vikings from the Mankind Video. Warm Up Vikings Notes William the Conqueror Reading WIO Map Homework WIO: Homework: 1. Map Worksheet What impact did the Vikings have on the formation of Modern Day Europe? Page 125 Page 124

2 Warm-Up: Warm Up: Write down what you remember about the Vikings from the Mankind Video.


4 The Vikings

5 Who are the Vikings? Originally from Russia
The Word Viking means “A Pirate Raid” The Vikings traveled throughout Europe and to North America Raided due to resources

6 Vikings in Europe The Vikings would navigate by long vessel
Attacked villages The Vikings attacked quickly and without warning Burned buildings, stole property, murdered people

7 Vikings & Religion The Vikings convert to Christianity as they begin to settle in Europe Their conversion to Christianity allows for its spread through Europe. Leads to stability in Europe

8 Vikings vs. Knights Vikings Knights

9 William the Conqueror Reading
You have been given a William the Conqueror Reading Passage Read the passage and take notes as to what you believe is important Use text features and context clues to cite important details You have 10 minutes to complete this task

10 William the Conqueror Duke of Normandy (France)
Battle of Hastings in 1066 (Victorious) Crowned King of England – This changed the face of England and allowed for stability of the throne. Built castles and keeps throughout England to protect his new kingdom. (Tower of London is most famous) Organized military and required certain amounts of soldiers to garrison each castle and keep. This allowed for evolution of English Language

11 Map Activity You have a copy of the Map Activity
You have the rest of class to work on this. If you do not finish it, it becomes homework. This will be on the assessment.

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