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How did the National Socialist (Nazi) Party come to power?

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Presentation on theme: "How did the National Socialist (Nazi) Party come to power?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How did the National Socialist (Nazi) Party come to power?
Causes of WWII How did the National Socialist (Nazi) Party come to power?

2 Germany, Pre-WWI German Empire Powerful, strong Wide spread

3 World War I Ended in 1918 Over 16 million dead
Worst European War (to that time) War Casualities Iraq War (range 110, ,000) First War to occur on such a global scale How do we feel now, with the Iraq war, which has, at most, 1/100 of the casualties of WWI?

4 Losing the War Large reparations Loser’s guilt Demilitarization
$12.5 billion Hyper-inflation Weakened economy Later, Great Depression Loser’s guilt Loss of lives during war became Germany’s fault Public perception of surrender How did a weak economy contribute to the rise of National Socialism? The recent recession was not anywhere near as bad as either the hyper-inflation in Germany following WWI or the Great Depression, but what affects did we see politically and socially?

5 Divided Country People were divided Government was weak
Easily replaceable Germans felt vulnerable, ashamed Empire broken up, Regions lost to France How would being vulnerable, weak, and divided allow for Hitler to gain power?

6 Pre-Existing Tension Anti-Semitism
Europe and America US accepted fewer Jews than other neutral countries Scapegoated for Weimar Republic’s weakness Mein Kampf published in 1925. How would WWII have panned out had there been no pre-existing anti-Semitism? What racial issues have affected the formation of the US? What still exist today?

7 Ripe for a leader Charismatic Fast results Patriotic Fearless Focused
Persuasive Strong Inspirational Goal-oriented What roles would you want in a leader, especially one to reunite a floundering nation?

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