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Lexile Measures and the Lexile Framework for Reading

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1 Lexile Measures and the Lexile Framework for Reading
Ms. Linda Turner-Love Parent Liaison Lovejoy Middle School 1558 Lovejoy Road Lovejoy, GA 30288 X 5

2 The Lexile Framework for Reading
1.Lexile was an educational tool created by MetaMetrics, Inc That link text ad readers under a common metric Lexiles. 2.Provides a common scale for measuring text difficulty and reading ability. 3.Allows educators to predict the level of comprehension a reader is likely to likey to achieve with a particular text. Helpsbmatch students with texts at an appropriate levvel of difficulty. Lexile was an educational tool created ny MetaMetrics, Inc That link text ad readers under a common metric Lexiles. Provides a common scale for meauring text difficuit and reading ability. Allows educatiors to predict the level of comprehension a reader is likely to likey to achieve with a particular text. Helpsmatch students with texts at an appropriate levvel of difficulty.

3 Text Characteristics that Influence Readability.
Syntactic Complexity 1. Number of words per sentence Semantic Difficulty 1. Frequency of occurrence of individual words. Syntactic Complexity Number of words per sentence Semantic Defficulty Frequency of occurrence of individual words.

4 Lovejoy Middle School See the Media Specialist for your child’s Lexile scores and where they are at on the reading scale.

5 Interrupting Lexile Scores
A Lexile measurer for either text or reader is a number, typically from 200 to 1700, followed by an I. A Lexile meaurer for either text or reader is a number, typically from 200 to 1700, followed by an I. Lexile meausres do not directly translate to grade levels. About 50%of students in a particular grade will read higher or lower than the Lecile ranges in the following slide.

6 75% is the “right amount of challenge”
A student’s Lexile measure is the level at which he/she can read with moderate success ( about 75%compreension) A student’s Lexile measure is the level at which he/she can read with moderate success ( about 75%compreension)

7 Why 75% Comprehension? Years of metaMetric research suggests that at 75% a reader have a successful reading experience without frustration boredom and be sufficiently challenged to improve. Years of metaMetric research suggests that at 75% a reader. have a succeCan ssful reading experience withour frustration boredom, and be sufficically challenged to improve.

8 Managing Comprehension
Readers can experience Frustration when Text readability is 100I/+ above their Lexile level. 2. Readers can experience ease when…. Text readability is L below their Lexile level Readers can experience growth when …. Text readability is within their Lexile range. Readers can experience Frustration when Textreaabilty is 100I/+ above their Lexile level.2. Readers can experience ease when…. Text readabilty is L below their Lexile level Readers can experience growth when …. Text readabilty is within their Lexile range.

9 Final Notes Lexile measures do not in any way indicat the maturity level of material content . Always consult you school Library media specialist for recommendations of age-appropriate materials. For more information on the Lexile Framework for Reading to go Lexile measures do not in any way indicat the maturity level of material content. Always consult yourschool Library media specialist for recommendations of age-appropriate materials. For more information on the Lexile Frameworkfor Reading to go



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