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Other reasons for colonization

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1 Other reasons for colonization
Why did England encourage people to settle in America? What issues were going on in England? - Disease - Over population - Not enough land - Not enough jobs Why did colonist in America live longer than their counterpart in England? - More food - Less pollution - Less disease

2 The Fight for North America
Battle for North America = France, Netherlands, and England. - Colonial supremacy The main victor was the English after years of fighting.

3 English oust the Dutch New Netherland was in between northern and southern colonies of England. “Dutch Wedge” 1664 – Charles II granted permission to the Duke of York to drive out the Dutch. Dutch surrendered without firing a shot. The Duke of York claimed the colony for England and renamed it New York.

4 England expands By 1750, about 1.3 million English settlers lived in 13 colonies stretching from New Hampshire to Georgia. One issue began to build up……. THE FRENCH!!!!

5 England battles France
England wanted more land for its growing colonial population. Pushed West. Collided with France’s North American holdings. France and England = long time enemies. #beefingharderthanbiggieandtupac

6 England battles France
1754 – conflict over land claims in the Ohio valley led to a war between the British and French. French and Indian War The war became part of a larger conflict known as the Seven Years’ war. - Conflict was global in America, Europe, West Indies and Africa. 1763 – French surrendered their holdings in America and the British seized control of the entire eastern half of North America.

7 What tension comes up between England and their American colonist due to the French and Indian war?

8 Native American Reaction
What did European expansion and colonization bring the Native Americans? Loss of land, warfare, and disease. What would their reaction be to the European settlements?

9 A Strained Relationship
French and Dutch had mostly a cooperative relationship with the Native Americans. - mutual benefit of fur trade

10 A Strained Relationship
Some fighting occurred between the Dutch and Natives over land claims and trading. For the most part Dutch and French lived peacefully with Natives.

11 English/Native Relations
What was the difference between the English settlements and French/Dutch settlements? - English wanted to populate and expand their colonies. English settlers treated Natives like heathens and agents of the devil. Natives picked up the same view of the white invaders.

12 Fighting 1622- Powhatan attacked and killed 350 settlers near Jamestown. - Settlers struck back and killed hundreds of Powhatan. 1675- Native America Metacom (also known as King Phillip) led an attack on 52 colonial villages in Mass. - a year of fighting the colonist came on top.


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