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Selectivity Estimation Example

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1 Selectivity Estimation Example
Mohammad Farhan Husain

2 Example Data Subject Predicate Object R1 P1 L1 R2 L2 R3 R4 R5 R6 L3 R7
R1, R2, … , R8 are resources i.e. URIs P1 and P2 are predicates, also URIs L1, L2, … , L5 are literals R = Total number of unique resources = 8 T = Total number of triples = 8 TP1 = Total number of triples having predicate P1 = 5 TP2 = Total number of triples having predicate P2 = 3 For any query: Selectivity of a bound subject s = sel(s) = 1 / R = 1 / 8 = 0.125 Selectivity of predicate P1 = sel(P1) = TP1 / T = 5 / 8 = 0.625 Selectivity of predicate P2 = sel(P2) = TP2 / T = 3 / 8 = 0.375 Selectivity of unbound subject and predicate and object = 1.0

3 Example Histogram for P1
Suppose there is a hash function which assigns the object values of triples having predicate P1 in two bins in the following manner: Bin 1 contains: L1, L2 and R2 Bin 2 contains: R4 and L3

4 Example Histogram for P2
Suppose the same hash function assigns the object values of triples having predicate P2 in two bins in the following manner: Bin 1 contains: L5 Bin 2 contains: L4 and R1

5 Estimation Approach Equation Notes sel(t) = sel(s) * sel(p) * sel(o)
t refers to a triple pattern sel(s) = 1/R R - No. of unique Resources in knowledge store sel(p) = Tp/T T – Total No. of triples, Tp – Triples matching predicate p sel(o) = hc(p,o)/Tp where hc(p,o) represents the height of histogram bin containing predicate p in which object o falls sel(?a) = 1 when ?a is unbound subject, predicate, or object

6 Selectivity Estimation for Triple Pattern Example with Bound Predicate
Triple Pattern: ?s P1 L2 Estimated selectivity = sel(s) x sel(P1) x sel(L2) = 1.0 x x sel(P1, L2) = 1.0 x x (h1(P1, L2) / TP1) = 1.0 x x (Height of Bin 1 / TP1) = 1.0 x x (3 / 5) = 0.375 Here, h1(P1, L2) denotes the bin of the histogram of predicate P1 where the hash function puts L2 in.

7 Selectivity Estimation for Triple Pattern Example with Unbound Predicate
Triple Pattern: ?s ?p L2 Estimated selectivity = sel(s) x sel(p) x sel(L2) = 1.0 x 1.0 x {∑Pi ϵ P sel(Pi, L2)} = 1.0 x 1.0 x {sel(P1, L2) + sel(P2, L2)} = 1.0 x 1.0 x {h1(P1, L2) / TP1 + h1(P2, L2) / TP2} = 1.0 x 1.0 x {Height of Bin 1 of P1 Histogram / TP1 + Height of Bin 1 of P2 Histogram / TP2} = 1.0 x 1.0 x {3 / / 3} = 0.933 Note that the hash function always puts the value L2 into bin 1. That is why we pick the height of Bin 1 of the histogram for P2 even though P2 does not have the value L2 as its object in any of the triples.

8 Selectivity Estimation for Triple Pattern Example with Unbound Object
Triple Pattern: ?s P1 ?o Estimated selectivity = sel(s) x sel(P1) x sel(o) = 1.0 x x 1.0 = 0.625

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