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Importance of the Freedman's Bureau.

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1 Importance of the Freedman's Bureau.
Explain the difference b/w Johnson and Radical Republicans plans for reconstruction. Importance of the Freedman's Bureau. Significance of the following amendments: 13th 14th 15th

2 Congress is Mad!!!! Are U Serious?!?!?!
Congress refuses to give Confed. seats back Pass the Civil Rights Act of 1866 All blacks were citizens and attacked the black codes Had to be reinforced with an amendment because states were not enforcing it Johnson vetoes this but Congress overrides him

3 No more Mr. Nice Guy…. Congress passes:
Military Reconstruction Act of 1867 Divided the south into 5 military districts Except Tenn. A union general was in charge of each district


5 Southerners were upset at the military occupation and wondered:
What else do we have to do? We lost the war We gave up our slaves They couldn’t accept equality Union troops had to protect blacks as they went to the polls to vote Johnson tried to veto it; Congress overrode it Congress getting really tired of Johnson

6 Congress getting sick of Johnson
Gov’t Controlled by the Radical Republicans…Johnson vetoes everything they just override him Freedmen's Bureau Bill Civil Rights Bill Colorado Statehood Bill District of Columbia Franchise Law Nebraska Statehood Bill Tenure of Office Act First Military Reconstruction Act Second Military Reconstruction Act Third Military Reconstruction Act Judiciary Act Amendment Arkansas Statehood Bill Admission of Six Southern States Restrictions of Electoral Votes Congress getting sick of Johnson

7 Let’s Get Rid of Him!!!! Congress passes Tenure of Office Act
Limited power of Prez to hire and fire gov’t officials

8 HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Johnson tests it out
Fires Sec. of War Edwin Stanton (RR) Ticks off Congress H.O.R. vote to impeach him b/c he violated the Tenure of Office Act Senate is the Jury (decided yes or no) Missed getting kick out of office by 1 vote

9 Ulysses S. Grant (1869-77) Republican Won the 1868 election (War hero)
The black vote showed its importance in the election of 1868 Blacks voted Republican

10 Change in the South By 1870 all Confederate states are back in the Union. We are whole once again!!!!!

11 Politically blacks do great during Reconstruction
Voting Republican Begin to hold gov’t office jobs sheriffs, police chiefs, state legislatures, 16 in H.O.R and Senate at fed. level

12 Hiram Revels: First black Senator; from Mississippi Took the seat of Jefferson Davis
Even though blacks could vote, there were still few representatives in states with large black populations Radicals were blamed for giving the “illiterate” or “ignorant” vote Nothing in the Constitution says you must know how to read to vote

13 Scalawags (scoundrel)
White southerners who joined the Republican party Carpetbaggers Northerners who moved to the south after the war Accepted grafts: bribes for contracts Some to help; others to take advantage

14 Socially and Economically though Blacks still in the same position as before the Civil War

15 Economic Majority of the South’s land is owned by a few (10%) of the population Only 2 main jobs that poor whites and blacks can have Sharecropping Tenant Farming

16 Sharecropping: work the land and harvest crops; give 2\3 of crop to master (rent) and freedman keeps 1\3 told what crops to grow by master bought all supplies from the masters store on credit end of season the 2/3rds crops give to master should help pay rent and supplies NEVER DOES never ending cycle of debt

17 Tenant Farming this was renting the land from someone
Most independent arrangement for both farmer and landowner Paid cash rent to landowner and then was free to choose and manage his own crop Allowed to live where ever wanted

18 Still problems many people still illiterate
poor medical care, little housing, slow economic growth Why? south was so dependent on cotton and slaves African Americans will begin to face racial violence

19 Schools Creation of tax-supported public school system
South wants it segregated -separation of races Radical Republicans wanted integration -white and black go together

20 Same as it ever was!!! Many freedmen had no place to go and plantation owners had no workers Many times you would end up working for your former masters, but you aren’t their slave any longer It just feels like you are a slave under the sharecropping system

21 White’s Can’t Accept It
Many couldn’t take equality in the south They had been taught since birth that blacks were inferior Some turned to terrorism (KKK) Began as a way to drive out union troops and regain control of south Ghosts of the Confederacy Founder left after it got too violent

22 Congress passed Force Acts
1. made a federal crime to interfere with voting 2. fed. Marshalls supervise elections 3. outlawed KKK activities

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