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Tutorial - Practice #2 - QnMSG Yong-Hyun Kim.

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Presentation on theme: "Tutorial - Practice #2 - QnMSG Yong-Hyun Kim."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tutorial - Practice #2 - QnMSG Yong-Hyun Kim

2 Pwscf – Input file < input file >
calculation: method of calculation etot_conv_thr: convergence threshold on total energy for ionic minimization forc_conv_thr: convergence threshold on forces for ionic minimization ibrav: Bravais-lattice index celldm(i): Crystallographic constants nat: number of atoms in the unit cell ntyp: number of type of atoms in the unit cell ecutwfc: kinetic energy cutoff (Ry) for wavefunctions diagonalization: Davidson iterative diagonalization with overlap matrix CELL_PARAMETERS: Lattice parameter ATOMIC_SPECIES: types of atom ATOMIC_POSITION: basis of atom K_POINTS: the number of k-points The detail things about Input parameter is in ~/espresso-5.0.1/Doc/INPUT_PW.txt

3 Structure 1. To see structure in input file of Pwscf, first, we have to make xyz file using the program named 2. Program make the xyz file using the lattice parameter and basis in input file. - Information related to structure in Input file - - xyz file - 3. Instruction of program is as follows. file name of input size of cell (x, y, z) 4. After using the program, file is made. 5. To see structure, use xmakemol program and then open the xyz file.

4 Running the Pwscf Method running Pwscf
1. Serial calculation :/opt/espresso-5.0.1/bin/pw.x < input 2. Parallel calculation : qsub - -

5 Cutoff vs Energy - Si bulk - - Graphene - 70 Ry 25 Ry

6 K-points vs Energy - Si bulk - - Graphene - k-points = 8 k-points = 4

7 Birch–Murnaghan EOS - - - Instruction -
1. To get the equilibrium volume, we need the Birch-Murnaghan fitting. 2. To do Birch-Murnaghan fitting, we have to run the program named eos.x. 3. To run the program named eos.x, we need the input file named - - - Instruction - 4. After enter the eos.x, some files are generated. - PARAM.out - Equilibrium volume (Bohr3) Bulk modulus

8 Lattice constant vs Energy
- Si bulk - - Graphene - a = Bohr a =5.47 Å a = 4.63 Bohr a =2.45 Å

9 Cohesive energy - The cohesive energies were calculated as the energy difference between the total energy of the free atoms and the bulk solid as given by the equation below: Ecoh = Eatom - Esolid (Unit: eV) Tota energy of Atom Total energy of solid Cohesive energy Si-bulk 5.43 4.631) Graphene 9.07 8.802) 1) Kittel, Introduction to solid state physics 2) J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys (1996)

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