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SportSuite Forms – Conditional Statements

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1 SportSuite Forms – Conditional Statements
Thursday 8th June 2017

2 What is a conditional statement?
A conditional statement is a feature that changes what question a respondent sees next based on how they answer the current question. Also known as “conditional branching”, “branch logic”, “skip logic”, or “question logic”, conditional statements create a custom path through the survey that varies based on a respondent's answers. How do they know that users fit into those particular segments/ what tools do they use/ what data do they collect?

3 What does a conditional statement allow you to do?
Include extra questions based on a response Example: Example: Change the questions altogether based on a response Example: How do they know that users fit into those particular segments/ what tools do they use/ what data do they collect?

4 Making a test instance Add new instance > name = test > type = open > save Click ‘view form’ and have this open at all times whilst building your form. Each time you make a change to your form that you would like to test/check the display refresh the page in your browser. How do they know that users fit into those particular segments/ what tools do they use/ what data do they collect?

5 Where to find conditional statements
How do they know that users fit into those particular segments/ what tools do they use/ what data do they collect?

6 How to build a yes/no statement
Create your initial question – this must be a selection radio button question with only two options: yes and no Create the questions to go within the conditional statement – both the question to display if a user selects ‘yes’ and if applicable the question to display if a user selects ‘no’. Note you can leave the ‘no’ blank. Drag the conditional statement into your form on the same page as the questions you have just created. Hover over the ‘when’ bar and click ‘edit’. Target = your initial question created in step 1 Test = ‘is “Yes” Click submit Drag your question that you want users to answer if they select ‘yes’ for the initial question into the ‘when’ area Drag your question that you want users to answer if they select ‘no’ for the initial question into the ‘otherwise’ area. Note this area can be left blank if they do not need to answer an extra question Check that the question is working as expected in your test instance view. How do they know that users fit into those particular segments/ what tools do they use/ what data do they collect?

7 How to build a checkbox statement
Create your initial question – this must be a selection question with the ability to select multiple answers turned on Create all questions to go within the conditional statement Drag the conditional statement into your form on the same page as the questions you have just created. Hover over the ‘when’ bar and click ‘edit’. Target = your initial question created in step 1 Test = ‘has value (checkboxes only)’ - in the white space copy and paste the answer that you are setting up the conditional statement for. Note conditional statements are case sensitive. Click submit Drag your question that you want users to answer if they select the answer for the initial question that you have copied and pasted into the conditional statement into the ‘when’ area If you have an alternative question for users to answer if they do not select the answer used in the conditional statement then drag that question into the ‘otherwise’ area. Else leave this area blank Check that the question is working as expected in your test instance view. Repeat steps 3-7 for each answer within your initial question that requires a conditional statement. Note each answer will require it’s own conditional statement on that page. How do they know that users fit into those particular segments/ what tools do they use/ what data do they collect?

8 How to build a dropdown statement
Create your initial question – this must be a dropdown question Create all questions to go within the conditional statement Drag the conditional statement into your form on the same page as the questions you have just created. Hover over the ‘when’ bar and click ‘edit’. Target = your initial question created in step 1 Test = ‘matches Pattern’ - in the white space copy and paste the answer that you are setting up the conditional statement for. Note conditional statements are case sensitive. Click submit Drag your question that you want users to answer if they select the answer for the initial question that you have copied and pasted into the conditional statement into the ‘when’ area If you have an alternative question for users to answer if they do not select the answer used in the conditional statement then drag that question into the ‘otherwise’ area. Else leave this area blank Check that the question is working as expected in your test instance view. How do they know that users fit into those particular segments/ what tools do they use/ what data do they collect?

9 How to build a number statement
Create your initial question – this must be a number question, validation must be turned on and the question must be required. Create all questions to go within the conditional statement Drag the conditional statement into your form on the same page as the questions you have just created. Hover over the ‘when’ bar and click ‘edit’. Target = your initial question created in step 1 Test = ‘is numeric’ - in the white space type the minimum and maximum number the user could provide for the conditional statement you are setting up. Note if you have a question where the answer includes number and words then you would not use this type of statement. This is for numbers only. Click submit Drag your question that you want users to answer if they select a number within the range set up in the conditional statement into the ‘when’ area If you have an alternative question for users to answer if they type a different number then drag that question into the ‘otherwise’ area. Else leave this area blank Check that the question is working as expected in your test instance view. Repeat steps 3-7 if you have multiple ranges of numbers that require a different question to appear How do they know that users fit into those particular segments/ what tools do they use/ what data do they collect?

10 Conditional Statement Recommendations
Always set up a test instance, and check conditional statements are working as expected as you go along Use a dropdown question (has value) for yes/no questions to ensure better presentation of your survey to users Never make questions that are part of conditional statements required Create your own labels for questions in the export to make it easier to view the data. How do they know that users fit into those particular segments/ what tools do they use/ what data do they collect?

11 Any Questions?

12 Next webinar… SportSuite Forms – Invitations Tuesday 13th June am Book now: Direct link: How do they know that users fit into those particular segments/ what tools do they use/ what data do they collect?

13 Thank you

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