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Healthy or Not Healthy.

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Presentation on theme: "Healthy or Not Healthy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthy or Not Healthy

2 Staying Healthy What does being healthy mean?
What are examples of being healthy? What are examples being unhealthy? Eating healthy foods Doing exercise (physical health) Being happy in life (mental health) Taking care of yourself

3 Healthy or Unhealthy? In these examples say if you think the person is: Healthy or Unhealthy Hand out Healthy or Unhealthy Cards

4 Healthy or Unhealthy ? Bob eats takeaway most days

5 Unhealthy

6 Healthy or Unhealthy ? Jane plays sports most days

7 Healthy

8 Healthy or Unhealthy ? Amy cooks most nights and enjoys fruit and vegetables often

9 Healthy

10 Staying Healthy Online
Just like in real life, there are ways to keep yourself healthy and safe online Lets think about some examples Use your cards to show your answer

11 Are these examples of things people do online
Healthy Or Unhealthy

12 Healthy or Unhealthy ? Joe has 679 Facebook friends

13 Unhealthy

14 Healthy or Unhealthy ? Emma sends photos to random guys she chats to online

15 Unhealthy

16 Healthy or Unhealthy Pete only accepts Facebook friend requests from people he knows in real life

17 Healthy

18 Healthy or Unhealthy ? Graham uses twitter to complain about his teachers

19 Unhealthy

20 Healthy or Unhealthy ? Jack keeps his computer safe with special software called anti-virus.

21 Healthy

22 Healthy or Unhealthy A group of girls Jack doesn’t know ask him to pose with them for a photo

23 Unhealthy

24 What Would You Do? Do you think you are being healthy when you go online? Answer the questions to find out! What would you do?

25 So... There are ways that we can be healthy or unhealthy when using the Internet Maybe you can think of some more examples?

26 Summary Today we looked at: How you use the Internet and Social Media
What you enjoy doing on the Internet How we can be safe or unsafe online What it means to look healthy and unhealthy online

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