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Data Tables & Graphing.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Tables & Graphing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Tables & Graphing

2 What is a data table? A data table is an organized arrangement of information in labeled rows & columns. Column 1 Column 2 Row 1 Row 2

3 Why do we use data tables?
In science, we use them to record observations. They help us interpret information collected in an experiment.

4 Parts of a Data Table Title: number, underlined, describes what the data is about. Table #1 Effects of Fertilizer on Plant Growth Box: rows & columns Headings: above columns or to the left of rows; describes data

5 Data Table Practice #1 Record the amount of kids wearing tennis shoes, sandals, & boots in your class.

6 Table #1 Student Shoe Types Number of Students Wearing
Tennis shoes Sandals Boots

7 What is a graph? A graph is a pictorial representation of the relationship between two quantities. Independent variable (manipulated) Controlled by experimentor Dependent variable (responding) Something we observe as the result of the experiment

8 Graph Types Bar graphs Line graphs Circle Graphs

9 Bar Graphs A bar graph is a diagram in which data about separate but related items are compared. Place the categories on the horizontal axis. Place the measurements on the vertical axis.

10 Line Graphs Remember “DRY MIX”
Dependent or Responding variable is plotted on the Y-axis. Manipulated or Independent variable is plotted on the X-axis.

11 Circle Graphs A circle graph shows data as parts of a whole.

12 Graphing Rules Use GRAPH PAPER!!!!!
Title: number (Graph #1), underlined, describes what data is about. Draw x-axis horizontally, and y-axis vertically. Label the x-axis with the independent variable heading and the y-axis with the dependent variable heading.

13 Graphing Practice Identify the variables as independent & dependent variables.

14 Examples The world population per year I=year D=population
Temperature & breathing rate in fish I=temperature D=breathing rate

15 Examples Height of plants per day I=day D=height
The number of minutes animals can hold their breath I=type of animal D=number of minutes

16 Examples The amount of rain in different environments I=environment
D=amount of rain The amount of body fat in different age groups I=age group D=amount of body fat

17 Examples The grade you make vs. the minutes you study
I=minutes you study D=grade you make Heart rate & breathing rate at various temperatures I=temperature D=heart rate & breathing rate

18 The End

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