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Assignment 2 Write a 3 stanza poem (each stanza consisting four lines) based on a theme. In the poem, indicate words with minimal pairs. Ensure you have.

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Presentation on theme: "Assignment 2 Write a 3 stanza poem (each stanza consisting four lines) based on a theme. In the poem, indicate words with minimal pairs. Ensure you have."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assignment 2 Write a 3 stanza poem (each stanza consisting four lines) based on a theme. In the poem, indicate words with minimal pairs. Ensure you have two sets of minimal pairs which indicate contrast in initial, medial and final positions (Total: 6 minimal pairs). Explain the meaning of the words in relation to the poem. What is a minimal pair? A minimal pair is a pair of words with one phonemic difference only, that is, vary by only a single sound (vowel or consonant). In order to decide whether a pair of words is a minimal pair or not, you need to know what sounds make up the word, and you need to IGNORE the spelling of the word.

2 Examples of minimal pairs
Initial Position Final Position Cold – Gold Catch - Cat Fan – Van Thin - Thing Buy – Pie Back - Bag Two – Do Hat - Had Medial Position Ship – Sheep Fast - First Bat – But Not – Note

3 Practice Are these minimal pairs? 1) Base – phase 2) Wise – rice
3) Maid – made 4) Kite – night 5) Take – steak

4 Semantics Semantics = meaning of the language
Dove (bird) – dove (past tense of dive) Jack swims. The lady hit the old man with the umbrella. Time is money (Metaphors) Kick the bucket (Idiom) How high is the mountain?

5 Pragmatics Pragmatics is concerned with our understanding of language in context Maxims of Conversation (proposed by Grice). 4 types Maxim of Quantity – say neither more nor less than the discourse requires Where are you going? I am going to the post office. (Yes) Are you going to work today? Yes, I am on jury duty, but I will have to go to the dentist in the evening. I have to ask the manager for permission. (X)

6 Pragmatics 2) Maxim of Quality : Do not lie; do not make unsupported claims A:Why did you come last last night? B: The car broke down (Plain truth) A : Did you study all day long? B : Yes, I have been studying (Lie to avoid problem) 3) Maxim of Relevance : Be relevant A : Where did you leave the car keys? B : The car is on the porch. (not relevant) A : Where is my box of chocolates? B : I don’t know mine either.

7 Pragmatics 4) Maxim of manner : Be brief and orderly A: Where is the Dean’s office? B :Latitude 39 degrees, 7 mins, 48 secons, longitude 56 degrees, 37 mins 12 seconds… A: I heard you went to the opera last night. How was the lead singer? B : The singer produced a series of sounds corresponding closely to the score of an aria from ‘Rigoletto’

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