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Environmental and sanitary engineering Reserach group

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1 Environmental and sanitary engineering Reserach group
FIU – Italy WORKSHOP WATER AND ENVIRONMENTAL GLOBAL CHALLENGES: INTERNATIONAL WATER INFRASTRUCTURES AND SECURITY FIU- MMC OE 112 May 25, 2017 Riccardo Gori Environmental and sanitary engineering Reserach group University of Florence

2 Who? – Professors and researchers Claudio Lubello Piero Sirini Riccardo Gori and Giulio Munz - PhD Students, Post_Doc, Fellows and Collaborators Cecilia Caretti, Giuseppe Cocchi, Tommaso Lotti, Alberto Mannucci, Sara Sguanci, Laura Palli Giacomo Bellandi, Francesco Spennati, Cecilia Polizzi, Iacopo Ducci

3 HOW? Department of civil and environmental engineering 10 km
Prato WWTPs (GIDA SPA) School of Engioneering Starting point: strong network with local municipalities and industries Florence WWTP (UNALAB joint lab Cuoiodepur WWTP (CER2CO joint lab)

4 HOW? Department of civil and environmental engineering CARBALA PROJECT
EU Exchange projects CARBALA PROJECT Carbon Balancing for nutrient removal Biosur PROJECT Rotating Bioreactors for Sustainable Hydrogen Sulphide Removal Starting point: strong network with local municipalities and industries Biocloc PROJECT BIOprocess ControL through Online titrimetry to reduce Carbon footprint in wastewater treatment LESSWATT PROJECT Innovative wireless tool for reducing energy consumption and GHGs emission of WRRFs

5 HOW? Department of civil and environmental engineering
PRIN project "Emerging contaminants in air, soil, and water: from source to the marine environment" PRIN project "Energy consumption and GreenHouse Gas (GHG) emissions in the wastewater treatment plants: a decision support system for planning and management" M.E.TA. PROJECT Matter and Energy from Tannery Sludges Starting point: strong network with local municipalities and industries Use of fungi for the removal of recalcitrant compounds from industrial wastewater Use of fungi for the removal of micropollutants from urban wastewater Applicability of the Anammox process for swine wastewater treatment

6 To construct an innovative tool for monitoring the biological processes in activated-sludge plants (continuous online differential titrimetry); 1 To use this tool for the monitoring and control of operating conditions in a real plant (Calice wastewater treatment plant); 2 To quantify the improvement of the effluent’s quality and the reduction in energy and environmental costs. 3

7 Differential because the instrument calls for the use of two identical reactors that work under the same operating conditions, similar to those of the oxidation tanks from which they are fed. There are numerous processes responsible for pH variations in activated sludge. To isolate only the contribution of nitrification, the only difference between the two reactors is the fact that one of them includes an inhibitor of the nitrification process. In this way, the difference in the soda dosage in the two reactors (one inhibited, the other one not inhibited) is directly linked to the nitrification rate. Online because the tool functions as a process probe. Continuous because the tool is continuously fed with activated sludge taken from the oxidation tanks.



The nitrification rate, which is continuously returned by the instrument, makes it possible to calculate the optimal dissolved-oxygen value to be maintained in the oxidation tank in order to ensure the removal of nitrogen in compliance with the limits for the discharged water.

The trend of the nitrification rate permits the real-time detection of the effects of any compounds that are toxic or inhibit the nitrification process and that may influence the plant. 3. INNOVATIVE PROCEDURE FOR THE CALIBRATION OF THE KINETIC PARAMETERS OF THE NITRIFYING BIOMASS The maximum nitrification rate, measured continuously, permits a more precise calibration of the kinetic parameters of the nitrifying biomass compared to the calibration carried out with conventional batch kinetic tests.

12 Mass balance of oxygen in gas phase
OFF-GAS TEST The off-gas method is a tecnique developed for monitoring the oxygen transfer efficiency of air diffused aeration systems (Redmon et al., 1983). Mass balance of oxygen in gas phase Oxygen transferred to the liquid phase = oxygen removed from the gas phase

13 OFF-GAS TEST 1. Hood for off-gas collection
2. Connection pipe between the hood and the analyzer 3. LDO probe 4. Oxymeter 5. Off-gas analyzer

14 OFF-GAS TEST Off-gas analyzer

15 OFF-GAS TEST Transfer efficiency in process conditions (OTE, %):
Transfer efficiency in standard conditions in process water (αSOTE, %): Cs,20: saturation 20° Cs,pwT: saturation process conditions α-factor: α = αSOTE/SOTE β = 1- (0.01 TDS)/1000 oxygen transfer rate (OTR, KgO2/h): Aeration efficiency (AE, Kg02/kWh): AE = OTR/P

Air flow rate management was shifted from a DO set-point control to an ammonia-DO cascade control BEFORE: Air flow rate managed on the basis of DO set-point AFTER: Air flow rate managed on the basis of N-NH4+ in the effluent and DO set-point

Comparison of OTE between the two different strategies DO set-point control OTE ≈22-30% ammonia-DO cascade control OTE ≈24-35% Il picco è dovuto al fatto che lo scorrimento delle schiume non avviene contemporaneamente in tutte le linee. Quando l’aerazione nella linea 1 è spenta la linea 2 (dove si trova il sensore dell NH4) sta continuando ad aerare, risponde con un ritardo alla salita del NH4. The new strategy for air flow rate control allowed to reduce the average DO concentration in the oxidation tank which in turn allowed to increase the oxygen transfer efficiency

18 Thank you for your attention!

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