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Writing implementation research grant proposals: 10 key ingredients

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1 Writing implementation research grant proposals: 10 key ingredients
Writing implementation research grant proposals: 10 key ingredients....and a few reflections Russell E. Glasgow Materials adapted from Enola Proctor and Washington Univ. colleagues Univ. of Colorado School of Medicine ACCORDS D&I Program NIH/Academy Health Technical Assistance, Dec. 2017

2 Session overview Challenges facing D&I Ten tips for D&I grant writing
Additional reflections and recommendations Importance of working with program staff We have three goals for today’s session: Reviewing and discussing the challenges facing IR Focusing on some tips for successful grant writing in this field Underscoring the importance of working with program staff Proctor et al. Writing implementation research grants. Implementation Sci :96 Brownson et al. Successful grant application writing. Clin Transl Sci. 2015 Dec;8(6):710-6.

3 Challenges universal to all grant writers
How to successfully communicate: How your proposal is innovative and state of the science Why you and your team should be funded at this time That you can complete the study as proposed All grants are assessed in terms of feasibility. Especially for early stage investigators, it is critical to demonstrating that the application reflects a well-thought out, detailed approach that can be successfully completed.

4 Additional challenges for implementation science researchers
Rising scientific bar: Science of implementation demands moving beyond documentation of barriers and facilitators Implementation research is complex, contextual & complicated Literature scattered across disciplines Implementation science is setting specific, but must advance generalizable science Addressing both internal and external validity But our focus today is implementation research, a still and rapidly developing field with particular challenges for grant writing. Some of challenges are reflected on this slide… I often characterize IS as demanding a “double major” Implementation researchers must know the literature in their own area of health or health services But also must keep track of the scattered literature that comprises implementation research. Brownson, Proctor, & Colditz. Dissem & Impl Research in Health. Oxford: 2017 (2nd ed.) Glasgow et al. NIH approaches to D&I science. Am J Public Health. 2012;102:1274–1281.

5 The Question Aims and Approach Talk with Program Officer
Most important The Question Aims and Approach Talk with Program Officer Before we get to the tips per se, Need to underscore that the most important factor in any grant proposal is the question or questions the proposal is designed to answer… The question needs to be significant, it needs to be feasible, it needs to be timely, and it needs to be one whose answer will advance the field. The question being posed in a grant proposal must be innovative and significant to the field of implementation science…. Thus the demand to know the IS literature, in addition to the literature in your own particular area. Now to some specifics…

6 Presuming a Compelling Question
Ten Key Ingredients of a Competitive D&I Grant Application (no application will have all 10)

7 1. Need for improvement….reducing gap between care that is and could be
Contribution: Project’s public health significance & impact Important to demonstrate: Poor health services or wide variation Potential to improve care through proposed work How? SUCCINCT Literature review Preliminary data Reviewers will ask: Does the proposal clearly demonstrate a need? How great is the gap between usual services and EB services? How? practice variation research Empirical literature (health services, QOC data) Stakeholder letters

8 2. Evidence-based intervention to be implemented
Demonstrate: Strong evidence* of efficacy and/or effectiveness Cochrane or other systematic review (ideally also pragamtism/PRECIS) Ready for implementation How your proposal is different or contributes to what already known How? SUCCINCT Literature review Preliminary data Impt to demonstrate that an evidence-based treatment is ready for implementation research? As disc in paper, thresholds vary but meeting some recognized threshold is important For researchers who come to IR as treatment developers, effectiveness researchers, important for this to be part of own background work For others, lit, *Mehta et al. Tyranny of evidence. In A. Plough (ed.). Knowledge to action. Oxford, 2017

9 3. Conceptual model/ theoretical framework
Selection and Contribution: Why this model is applicable (and not others) Innovation for implementation science Scientific impact & generalizable knowledge gain Justifies key variables to be tested How? Published papers using the model Use the theory throughout proposal methods, measures, hypotheses, analyses! A second key component of a grant application is a theoretical framework that is suited for and informs the proposed study. Theory: not just name dropping It is important to spell out how your potential findings will help confirm or raise questions about the conceptual model….. Rarely a need to add to the proliferation of already published models Refer to you Tabek et al., review and classify 109 different models , and how to select model Tabak et al. Models for dissemination and implementation research. Am J Prev Med. 2012;43(3):337-50

10 4. Stakeholder priorities, engagement in change & study
Contribution: Significance, impact, & feasibility of success. - Meaningful involvement THROUGHOUT and with MULTIPLE stakeholders, at different levels (patients, staff, decision makers) How? Preliminary data (qualitative, quantitative) Evidence of current and past partnerships (joint publications) Method details (partnered research) Letters- unique (not form letters) and from key decision makers Successful I of EB programs &*services depends on their fit with preferences & priorities of those who shape, deliver, participate in health care Who are the stakeholders? service consumers families providers administrators funders Legislators What are their priorities? for changing care, research, I process

11 5. Setting’s readiness to adopt new intervention
Contribution: Scientific generalizabilty & impact Shows PI knowledge of study setting Minor caveat- if large scale (e.g., national) dissemination, may want to take settings with a ‘range of readiness’ How to convey? Preliminary data Letters from specific organizations and national coordinating or professional organizations Setting’s readiness to adopt new services/ TX/ interventions/ programs Data: Org culture, climate, provider attitudes Prospective iD of barriers, or prelim data testing EBI re: IO’s BUT a study also may test/ establish answer to this Q

12 6. Implementation strategy/process
The observed/introduced change STRATEGY Contribution: Public health significance Impact Feasibility- address likely challenges How? Detail in planned approach- differentiate impl. strategy vs. Interv. Literature cited Preliminary studies Specify, provide manuals Lit on implementation strategies may be among the least developed in the field Few studies describe strategies in sufficient detail, conceptually or operationally, We have recommended reporting standards for strategies There are few robust tests of strategies, especially comparative tests Refer you to Powell and colleagues, A compilation of strategies for implementing clinical innovations in health and mental health In the 2012, or Vol 69 of Medical Care Research and Review Also IS 2013

13 7. Team experience w/ setting, treatment, implementation
Contribution: Feasibility Capacity to complete study as proposed, including experience addressing expertise, recruitment, diversity, attrition How? Build team, cite work Describe relevant experience in preliminary studies Personalized Biosketches, adequate budget justifications Personalized, unique letters of support Implementation science is not a field I would recommend playing alone….challenges are too numerous and diverse. A team can help ensure that the project can be successfully completed. Important to demonstrate that the team has worked together, or can work together…thru Preliminary studies Team composition & Biosketches Resources & Environment

14 8. Feasibility of proposed research design & methods
Value: Conveys- Feasibility of completing study as proposed Investigator capacity (understanding of unique D&I issues and challenges) Balance of internal and external validity How? Detailed “approach” section- save space for this! Address choice junctures & contingencies Preliminary recruitment & enrollment data Letters (re: willingness to be randomized) Grant writers urged to consider every possible question reviewers might raise about feasibility What can go wrong? How have I mitigated those problems? Real world challenges: agency/ provider reluctance to randomization small “n” (changing even one agency is a challenge) nesting: clients, within providers, within teams/ supervisors, within agency, within one policy context Refer you to: Landsverk and colleagues, chapter “Design and Analysis in Dissemination and Implementation Research, in book by Brownson, and colleagues, referenced on earlier slide

15 9. Measurement and analysis detail
Contribution: Approach Feasibility of completing study as proposed Relates to theory; advances measurement science How? Detailed measurement plan- PRAGMATIC measures* Variation data and well-justified power analysis Unit of analysis specified & consistent Specified analyses that will exploit data and answer Q’s Measurement plan is extremely important… Measures should be tied to every construct in conceptual model, every variable to be measured… Moreover, field needs harmonization in measurement…. Rabin paper, And chapter on measurement in the Brownson et al book Glasgow & Riley. Pragmatic measures. Am J Prev Med 2013;45(2):237–243 Kroenke, Monohan & Kean Pragmatic charac.of PROs. J Clin Epidemiol. 2015; 68(9): 1085–92. 

16 10. Policy environment will leverage, support, sustain the change
Contribution: Public health significance and impact Sustainability Feasibility- including costs, resources and burden- to both participants and settings How? Background literature on adaptations and sustainability models and research ‘Fit’ with changing context; feasible and sustainable in these settings Letters with strong, specific commitment to continue Resources & Environment Finally, grant application should reflect PI’s understanding of the policy and funding context of implementation….. Policy can be a lever Also critical component of the context Raghavan chapter in Brownson et al book Chambers, Glasgow & Stange. Dynamic sustainability framework. Implementation Science 2013, 8:117 Wiltsey Stirman et al. Sustainability syst. review. Implementation Science 2012, 7:17

17 Can’t fit it all in! Relative importance in eyes of experienced reviewers? The Questions, the Aims, and Approach, Approach, Approach Most essential: Background of Evidence based Tx to be implemented Methods and the team’s experience with setting/Tx/ implementation strategies and process Research environment’s capacity to support IR Page limits preclude exhaustive treatment on all 10 components Asked small group of successful implementation researchers to rate 1-3 1= very important 2=helpful but not necessary 3 = not very important They rated everything as important or helpful (nothing rated as not important) , and sometimes offered comments that “it’s all essential”

18 How to address these challenges?
Make strategic use of all grant application parts...especially Aims and summary Draw on your experiences and unique strengths pilot studies work & research training experiences Caveat: Not every application can/should include equal detail on each component So, how to pull this off? Suggest using checklist in paper as an “audit” of grant…. Checklist to help guide the grant writing, Then as a review nearer the completion of the application Brownson. Video on aims.

19 Russ’s Reflections and Biases
Work with your program officer- contact multiple ones if needed Importance of Aims and Abstract- for both assignment and reviewers initial impression Tables and Figures- clarify and worth a lot of points Address tough decisions and weaknesses head-on Consider using PRECIS-2 Figure Consider using Standard Reporting for Research in Implementation (StaRI) reporting criteria Loudon et al. (2015). The PRECIS-2 tool: designing trials that are fit for purpose. BMJ, 350, h2147. Pinnock et al. StaRI statement. BMJ Open, doi: /bmjopen )


21 StaRI Reporting Criteria
27 criteria- includes almost all CONSORT items .... PLUS: Implementation Strategy Implementation Outcome(s) Logic Pathway Harms and Unintended Consequences Context and Representativeness Context Changes Fidelity Adaptations* Costs and Resources Used Policy Implications Pinnock et al. StaRI statement. BMJ Open, doi: /bmjopen ) *Chambers & Norton. The Adaptome. Am J Prev Med. 2016;51(4):S124– S131 

22 Acknowledgments and Key Resources
Enola Proctor, Ross Brownson, Ana Bauman and team at Washington University Proctor et al. Writing IR grants. Implementation Sci :96 Brownson et al. Successful grant application writing. Clin Transl Sci. 2015 Dec;8(6):710-6. NIH Program Officers Univ. of Colorado School of Medicine ACCORDS D&I team: Acknowledge my sources of support Open for Q’s from webinar participants and of course from the project staff who are on the call…


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