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Wenjing Lou Complex Networks and Security Research (CNSR) Lab

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1 Vision: Create proactive and adaptive techniques and methodology in networked systems
Wenjing Lou Complex Networks and Security Research (CNSR) Lab Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Panelist Presentation @ Invitational Workshop on Foundations and Challenges for Proactive and Dynamic Network Defense Tampa, FL, November 30-December 1, 2017

2 Cybersecurity is a shared responsibility of multiple lines of defense
Authentication, access control, firewalls, cryptographic mechanisms to data integrity, malware detection, intrusion detection, detection of other malicious activities Federal Cybersecurity Research and Development Strategic Plan, Feb 2016

3 Cybersecurity is a shared responsibility of multiple lines of defense
The ability to efficiently discourage malicious cyber activities by measuring and increasing costs to adversaries carrying out such activities, diminishing the spoils, and increasing risks and uncertainty for potential adversaries. Federal Cybersecurity Research and Development Strategic Plan, Feb 2016

4 Cybersecurity is a shared responsibility of multiple lines of defense
The ability of defenders, defenses, and infrastructure to dynamically adapt to malicious cyber activities, by efficiently reacting to disruption, recovering from damage, maintaining operations while completing restoration, and adjusting to thwart similar future activity Federal Cybersecurity Research and Development Strategic Plan, Feb 2016

5 Proactive Defense Programs
Moving target defense (MTD) Instead of having a static system, MTD makes the attack surface dynamic by controlling changes across multiple system dimensions Increase uncertainty, complexity and cost for attackers Active cyber defense (ACD) “an approach to achieving cyber security predicated upon the deployment of measures to detect, analyze, identify and mitigate threats to and from communications systems and networks in real- time, combined with the capability and resources to take proactive or offensive action against threats and threat entities including action in those entities’ home networks. ” Legal issues of ”hack-back” Enhanced attribution identifying the origins of malicious actions Discourage potential offenders

6 Proactive Defense Programs (Cont.)
Cyber-deception Deploy decoys, i.e. honeypots and honeynets Harnessing Autonomy for Countering Cyberadversary Systems (HACCS) fingerprint Botnet infrastructure Insert autonomous agent into the gray networks (Exploit n-day vulnerabilities) Identify and Neutralize Botnet Implants E.g. Mirai-based whiteworm Advanced persistent threats (APT) Transparent Computing (TC) make opaque computing systems more transparent. 

7 Challenges & Opportunities (Wish List)
Accurate attribution collaboration with ISPs, federated coordination across organizational boundaries, large-scale research infrastructure support Measurements, metrics, formal models Network data analytics, behavioral biometrics techniques Dynamic assessment Real-time continuous monitoring, robust situational awareness Real-time digital forensic analysis methods Activity prediction, real-time assessment of changes, behaviors, and anomalies, reliably detect malicious cyber activities AI-based monitoring and detection, security mechanisms capable of learning Trustworthy information sharing Privacy, privacy-preserving data analytics Data provenance, information flow, information usage tracking Security by design


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