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Reforming Teacher Educators’ Professionalism and Pedagogy: Looking for Landmarks in a Changing Europe Jean Murray (England) Marit Ulvik (Norway) Mieke.

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Presentation on theme: "Reforming Teacher Educators’ Professionalism and Pedagogy: Looking for Landmarks in a Changing Europe Jean Murray (England) Marit Ulvik (Norway) Mieke."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reforming Teacher Educators’ Professionalism and Pedagogy: Looking for Landmarks in a Changing Europe Jean Murray (England) Marit Ulvik (Norway) Mieke Lunenberg (The Netherlands) Ainat Guberman (Israel)

2 Teacher educators complex roles:
Experts on teaching and learning Teaching adult learners in higher education institutes Teaching how to teach Mediating between the academia, schools and communities Aligning visions and values with educational practices Adopting critical and inquisitive stance to improve their work Engaging in research and development Teacher educators need to accommodate to rapid and substantial changes

3 InFo-TED: International Forum for Teacher Educator Development
Goal: to exchange and promote research, policy and practice on teacher educators’ professional development

4 Partners ISATT 2017: InFoTED

5 Professional development of teacher educators

6 Wiki and Blogs

7 Comparative professional learning needs analysis
Research questions Questionnaire: (i) Professional learning preferences (ii) Factors considered before a professional learning activity is engaged in (iii) Research dispositions and experience (iv) Role description and background information Qualitative responses: (a) What are your most important professional learning needs? (b) What professional learning would best meet these needs? (1) What professional learning activities do higher education-based teacher educators value? (2) How best can these activities be realized?

8 The Sample (N=1158*) * Additional 179 respondents replied UK without specifying exact area, left the question unanswered or came from countries with very few participants

9 Academic Interest* * Lines represent significantly different groups (Tukey HSD<.05)

10 Educational Interest*
* Lines represent significantly different groups (Tukey HSD<.05)

11 Interviews: Background
No guidelines defining who teacher educators should be, what they are expected to know, and be able to do (EU, 2013; Goodwin et al., 2014; Lunenberg & Hamilton, 2008) Teacher educators' professional development is an under-researched area (Lunenberg et al., 2014)

12 The Interviews Participants:
50 teacher educators who answered the questionnaires (England – 15, Ireland - 10, Israel – 10, Norway – 10, The Netherlands - 5) Questions: (i) background and demographics, (ii) professional learning opportunities, trajectories and needs, (iii) teacher education and research.

13 Interview Themes Professional development is self-initiated
Teacher educators feel they gain the most from collaboration with peers throughout their career There is a consensus that teacher educators need to be research informed and active researchers Not enough opportunities for PD are offered, and institutional support is lacking

14 Conclusions Teacher educators are interested in professional development and view engagement in research as part of their work Academic and pedagogical domains are still viewed as separate rather than integrated fields Teacher educators need institutional support and opportunities to engage with colleagues and devote time to professional learning

15 Questions for discussion
What support structures are needed to allow for teacher educators’ professional development? Which policies can achieve more balanced attitudes towards upscaling pedagogical and research related skills? How can integrated approach to research and pedagogy be encouraged? What are the most important domains for professional development required by current changes in Europe? Taking into account the differences among countries: how can we further stimulate collaborative learning?

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