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The Golden Lion Tamarin Comes Home

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Presentation on theme: "The Golden Lion Tamarin Comes Home"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Golden Lion Tamarin Comes Home
Objective: I can correctly use vocabulary words in my reading, speaking, and writing.

2 Canopy

3 Canopy The canopy of the rainforest shelters the animals from the sun.

4 Canopy The high, sheltering branches of the rainforest trees.

5 Captive

6 Captive The Golden Lion Tamarin was held captive, and later relaeased into the wild.

7 Captive Held against one’s will

8 Dilemma

9 Dilemma The dilemma for the woman is which shoe to wear to the dance.

10 Dilemma A situation in which one is given difficult choices to make.

11 Extinction

12 Extinction The extinction of the Tasmanian Tiger happened in 1936.

13 Extinction Having died out

14 Genes

15 Genes Genes carry the characteristics of a species from one generation to the next.

16 Genes Tiny pieces of matter in cells that carry the blueprints for characteristics.

17 Habitat

18 Habitat The Golden Lion Tamarin was released back into it’s natural habitat.

19 Habitat A natural environment for native creatures.

20 Humid

21 Humid Rainforests grow in very humid climates.

22 Humid Containing a large amount of water vapor.

23 Observation

24 Observation The little girl, through observation, will find out what types of insects live near the mushrooms.

25 Observation The act of paying close attention.

26 Predators

27 Predators These are the tamarins’ rainforest predators.

28 Predators Animals that prey on others.

29 Reintroduction

30 Reintroduction The zoo keepers watched as they reintroduced the rhino to its natural habitat.

31 Reintroduction The process of returning animals to their native habitats.

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