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High Impact Communications

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1 High Impact Communications
Serving the Children of the World® Making Sure Your Message Gets Through Choose one of the three photos to go on your title page. Please leave the photos on the left or right side of the page. If needed, adjust the copy to accommodate the photo. Ex. If choosing the photo on the right, please move type to the left side of the slide. Fill in your presentation name and your name. Delete the unused photos.

2 High Impact Communications
Conversations Making Sure You Listen Well Enough to be Heard

3 Conversations are Powerful…
“While no single conversation is guaranteed to change the trajectory of a career, a business, a marriage, or a life, any single conversation can.” Susan Scott, Fierce Conversations

4 Three Main Points Conversations are more effective than communications
Conversations build relationships Great leaders have great conversations & great relationships

5 Communications or Conversations?
Communication is telling…Conversations are sharing Communication is traditionally one way…conversation is two way Communications distribute information… conversations create understanding Communication is often sterile… conversation is personal

6 Conversations=Relationship
Relationships are built and maintained by a series of conversations No conversations…no relationship Relationships usually succeed or fail gradually…one conversation at a time Each conversation should build on the last one, and should be connected whenever possible

7 Conversations require…
…active listening …opportunities for feedback/response …invitations/encouragement to speak …acknowledgement of response …a context (to the past and future)

8 Conversation Connectors (Dialog Extenders)
“When we talk next Friday…” “Over the next few weeks, months etc…” “Last month I shared with you…” “Over the past 6 weeks we have been talking about…” “As I shared in our last conversation...”

9 Relationship Conversations
Face to Face Phone Handwritten notes Letters

10 Kiwanis Conversation Channels
Public speaking opportunities Written communication-group Personal notes and letters & Telephone to Individuals Web Logs (Blogs) and Websites Board and Committee Meetings Conference Calls

11 Written Communication
Make a personal connection Write with your audience in mind (pic) Focus on things they care about Share information they might not know Inside information is a real bonus Make sure they “feel” something People won’t care what you know, till they know that you care

12 E-Mail Communication Short and to the point
Never negative or corrective (Got a problem? Pick up the phone, or face-to-face) Don’t overuse “reply to all” Use BCC so people don’t “reply to all” Don’t speak to one person by ing everyone else. Once you hit send, it is out there forever

13 Public Speaking Begin with the end in mind
What do you want them to know? How do you want them to feel? Story Telling Q&A whenever possible The Power of Threes

14 Conversations are Powerful…
“While no single conversation is guaranteed to change the trajectory of a career, a business, a marriage, or a life, any single conversation can.” Susan Scott, Fierce Conversations

15 Summary Conversations are more effective than communications
Conversations build relationships Great leaders have great conversations & great relationships

16 Fierce Conversations Emotional Marketing
References Fierce Conversations Susan Scott Emotional Marketing Marc Gobe

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