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Annual General Meeting :

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1 Annual General Meeting :
Annual Report summary Annual General Meeting : 20 – 24 November 2017

2 Strategic Framework INFLUENCE: Civil Society is influencing decisions, achieving impact and shaping global solutions. CONNECT: More CSOs and citizens are connecting and working more successfully with each other to confront the challenges facing humanity. ENABLE: Wherever civic space is threatened, there is timely monitoring, solidarity and advocacy. CIVICUS constituents will have innovative tools to promote, share and implement progressive policies that support citizen action.

3 52 countries covered through a range of targeted advocacy initiatives
Outcome 1: The work to protect civil society rights will have resulted in a discernible change to the conditions for civil society. 117 Human rights defenders (HRDs) received advocacy, convening, networking and training support Youth activist supported to present the challenges faced by environmental activists at the UNHRC 52 countries covered through a range of targeted advocacy initiatives Project supporting Pakistani CSO’s to address child marriage 3 women HRDs supported to speak about civic space restrictions related to gender at CSW61

4 Outcome 1: The work to protect civil society rights will have resulted in a discernible change to the conditions for civil society. Snapshot: Mobilising international solidarity to protect fundamental civil society rights in Egypt Azza Soliman was arrested on 7 December 2016, and later released on bail following appeals from CSOs, including CIVICUS and then-UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, and five UN Special Rapporteurs. CIVICUS released a video further highlighting the cases of Azza Soliman and Mozn Hassan in March CIVICUS brought together 30 international and Egyptian CSOs to coordinate joint advocacy actions.

5 Outcome 2: Increased levels of citizen participation have been observed.
44 CSOs across three continents receive capacity development support to produce and use citizen-generated data (CDG) 107 posts on the Innovation for Change platform from Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and the Middle East 176 events in 79 countries across 6 continents, with tens of thousands of people participating in person, and millions of others taking part online during Speak! days of action

6 Outcome 2: Increased levels of citizen participation have been observed.
Snapshot: Enhancing citizen participation through CDG in Kenya DataShift has worked with local partners and decision makers in the Lanet Umoja community (Kenya) to develop a system for using Citizen Generated Data to drive action on gender equality (SDG 5). Local government actors are now engaging with the community to design policies and allocate resources for services that will empower women and girls on priority issues identified by the community. The community will continue to measure whether progress is being made on SDG 5 targets.

7 Outcome 3: CSOs will have achieved better influence over international institutions and processes.
1,500+ CSOs from 150 countries participated in the platform Action for Sustainable Development 30 national dialogues organised under the Leave No One Behind partnership 22 civil society actors supported to engage in UNHRC related activities 20 UNHRC Universal Periodic Review submissions drafted with national CSO partners, covering 4 continents

8 Outcome 3: CSOs will have achieved better influence over international institutions and processes
Snapshot: Democratising the international arena CIVICUS worked with a wide consortium of CSOs inside and outside Geneva to run advocacy activities, including events, joint letters, statements, meetings with government officials and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, to secure a UNHRC resolution on equal participation in public and political affairs. CIVICUS Monitor research was also used to document the threats and trends affecting civil society’s access to international decision-making processes.

9 900+ members invited to connect through Youth Working Group
Outcome 4: Greater connections among CSOs in different sectors and between CSOs and citizens will have been created 900+ members invited to connect through Youth Working Group 60 Affinity Group of National Associations (AGNA) members from 28 countries participated in 2 peer learning workshops 5 CSO networks participated in short term staff exchanges between Honduras and Mexico, Tanzania and Uganda, and Tajikistan and Japan 4 multi-stakeholder dialogues on civil society resourcing held on 3 continents

10 Outcome 4: Greater connections among CSOs in different sectors and between CSOs and citizens will have been created. Snapshot: Connecting diverse civil society actors through global exchanges In Dec. 2016, over 60 delegates from diverse continents and backgrounds (youth, social movements and informal groups) convened in Johannesburg to discuss civic space challenges and identify opportunities for collaboration and support, among which were new ways of organising and mobilising, more creative forms of communicating, how to establish safe spaces for dialogue and to work in a more responsive and flexible way for real transformative change.

11 195 countries rated by the CIVICUS Monitor
Outcome 5: Civil society actors from across sectors will have access to and use knowledge, analysis and global narratives on civil society to better respond to emerging trends. 195 countries rated by the CIVICUS Monitor 654 CIVICUS Monitor updates published 1,484 downloads of the 2017 State of Civil Society Report in June 2017 27 guest articles published as part of the 2017 State of Civil Society Report 40 interviews published with civil society leaders and activists 3 research reports covering civic space restrictions in LAC, environmental human rights defenders and sustainability of protest movements

12 Outcome 5: Civil society actors from across sectors will have access to and use knowledge, analysis and global narratives on civil society to better respond to emerging trends. Snapshot: Generating and communicating knowledge and analysis on civil society trends The CIVICUS Monitor, a participative research platform, is being used and cited by a wide range of stakeholders, including CIVICUS Members and partners, international CSOs such as Oxfam. Beyond civil society, the CIVICUS Monitor results are been quoted by speechwriters at the UN and academics teaching courses on civil society such as the Columbia University, St Francis Xavier University and the University of Leicester.

13 2013-2017 Desired Results and Impact
IMPACT INDICATOR 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 % of CIVICUS constituents who feel that CIVICUS is enabling civil society to be more effective and influential where they work 55% 60% 65% 70% 52% 66% 78% % of CIVICUS constituents who feel that CIVICUS is enabling civil society to be more effective and influential globally 85% 83% 95% % of CIVICUS' constituents who feel empowered through CIVICUS' support to influence decision-making processes 59% 71% 88% % of CIVICUS' constituents who feel connected through CIVICUS initiatives and platforms 63% 69% % of CIVICUS' constituents who feel that CIVICUS' advocacy support is improving the conditions for civil society where they work 48% 54% 68% % of CIVICUS' constituents who feel CIVICUS is contributing to the knowledge base for civil society, and concrete examples 74% 82% 86%

14 Audited Annual Financial Results Y/E June 2017
2016/17 CIVICUS Aggregated Statement of Comprehensive Income

15 Audited Annual Financial Results Y/E June 2017
CIVICUS Aggregated Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2017

16 CIVICUS Cashflow Position for YE June 2017

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