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National 4 & 5 History WELCOME to MS CURRAN’S CLASS

2 How will the course be examined?
80 marks up for grabs: Question paper – 60 marks Assignment – 20 marks The course assessment will be graded A-D

3 The question paper The question paper will have three sections:
Migration and Empire: Scottish (20 marks) The Making of Modern Britain : British (20 marks) The Russian Revolution: European & World (20 marks) The question paper will be written & marked by the SQA. You will have 1 hour & 30 minutes to complete all 3 sections.

4 The Nat 5 Assignment You will choose an appropriate historical question. Collect relevant information from at least two sources & then use it to address the question. Identify different perspectives & points of view. Structure the knowledge acquired & present a reasoned conclusion which is supported by evidence. (20 marks)

5 Migration and Empire We will study the causes and results of the movement of population into and away from Scotland. Specifically: Immigration to Scotland, 1830s–1939 Reasons for immigration of different groups and patterns of settlement Experience of immigrants to Scotland, 1880s–1939 The experiences of the migrants - living conditions, employment. Scots and Irish: Scottish emigration, 1830s–1939 Experience of Scots abroad, 1830s–1939

6 The Making of Modern Britain, 1880-1951
We will study the creation of modern Britain. Specifically: The problem of poverty in early Twentieth Century Britain. Self help, Booth & Rowntree, changing attitudes to poverty. The Liberal Reforms What were the Liberal Reforms? & what impact did they have on British society. The social impact of the Second World War. How were attitudes to poverty altered? What was the governments reaction = Beveridge & the Five Giants. Labour & the welfare state, What changes did the Labour government implement & where they effective in further solving the problem of poverty.

7 Red Flag: Lenin and the Russian Revolution, 1894–1921
We will study the collapse of imperial Russia and the rise of communism. Specifically: Imperial Russia The royal family, the church, class division & reasons for unrest. 1905 Revolution Challenges to the Tsars power. The February Revolution, 1917. Russia & the impact of WWI, Rasputin & the revolution itself. October Revolution, 1917. The Bolshevik seizure of power, the civil war, & the creation of the Soviet state.


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