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1 Visit us on our website:
October RNS Newsletter ~ October 25th Meeting ~ Topic: The Future of Post Acute Care Speaker: Felice Loverso, Ph.D. Date: October 25th, 2012 Location: Casa Colina Centers For Rehabilitation, 255 East Bonita Avenue, Pomona, CA 91769 Dr. Felice Loverso, who has 20 years experience as a practicing Speech Pathologist and is CEO and President of Casa Colina Centers for Rehabilitation will present “The Future of Post Acute Care”. Upon completion attendees will be able to: Understand the role of post acute care providers within the context of healthcare reform at both federal and state level. Identify how to manage the range of opportunities for post acute provider services that focuses on episodic services provided for varying diagnoses. Be familiar with virtual continuing care hospital and double bundled payment system. Have an opinion as to the roles that we all play together in the treatment of patients in the new era of healthcare. Target audience: Nurses, case managers and other health care professionals. Agenda 1:00 Past: Review the past 10 years of service delivery models surrounding the treatment of patients along with the continuum of acute rehabilitation hospitals 1:30 Present: Models of service deliver that are effective and those that are not effective 2:30 Future: Anticipating service delivery and payment schedules as we move into the new era of health care delivery. 3:00 Closing remarks and drawing To Register contact Maryanne Sawoski (818) or Visit us on our website: Our Mission RNS is a membership  organization for medical care  coordination that provides  continuing education and networking. The professional goal of its members is to advocate for quality patient care while utilizing community  resources in a cost effective manner Upcoming Meetings October 25th November is dark December TBA Contents October program 1 President's Message Program registration form RNS Advertising Policy Registration form See page 3 Cost Members $25.00 Non-members $35.00 CEU’s: Approved for 2 hours BRN provider # CCM pending approval Date: October 25, 2012 Registration: : 11:30 am - 12:00 pm Lunch: 12:00 pm :00 pm Presentation: 1:00 pm :00 pm

2 Presidents Message October 2012 Page 2
By Barbara Greenfield, RN BSN, CCM, CNLCP October Page 2 Nurses are also involved at the core of the PPACA. The PPACA establishes an independent non-profit Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI). The institute has been set up to “advance the quality and relevance of evidence concerning the effective prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and management of health conditions.” Two nurses have been appointed to serve at the PCORI: Debra Barksdale, PhD, RN, from the University of North Carolina has been appointed to the Board of Governors and Robin Newhouse, PhD, RN, from the University Of Maryland School Of Nursing was appointed to the Methodology Committee. In addition, ANA has supplied recommendations regarding the research agenda and has forged definitions of patient outcome measures to include health related and patient defined quality of life measures that impact patient characteristics such as culture, health behaviors, and literacy” (retrieved from I noted in last month’s message that there are disagreements between pundits and politicians regarding the efficacy of the PPACA; however, as healthcare professionals and consumers we must become more familiar with how the PPACA will affect us personally and how our community will be impacted. I look forward to performing more research and to having an ongoing dialog in the future as many of the changes to our healthcare system come to fruition. Thanks also to our wonderful members who provided the great gifts for our raffle. This month I would like to thank Maryanne Sawoski - Continuity Care Home Nurses, Cynthia Dixon - Special Care Nursing, Barbara Tucker - Dr. David Heskiaoff’s office, and Susan Gomez from CareMeridian. See you in October.  We will hosted by Casa Colina, thanks to Francine Aron. Address:‎ 255 E Bonita Ave Pomona, CA 91767 Be Well. Barbara Dear RNS Members and Friends; Our September presentation was an exciting look into walking programs for the spinal cord injured population. Our presenter, Dr. Ann Vasile, a wonderful physician as well as an overall great personality gave us an insider’s perspective on the benefits and challenges of these programs, and an informative overview of the latest research. In last month’s message I started a discussion regarding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) aka Obamacare. This month I’d like to highlight how the PPACA will affect nursing. The American Nurses Association (ANA), on their website explains; “Registered nurses are fundamental to the critical shift needed in health services delivery, with the goal of transforming the current ‘sick care’ system into a true ‘health care’ system,” (ANA, Health Care Transformation: the Affordable Care Act and More). Important to note is that many of the sections within the PPACA dovetail with other current programs and policies. In four separate sections in the body of the law, the PPACA provides for education of nurses in underserved areas. Within the Nursing Workforce Development Program the Public Health Service Act (PHSA), there are programs specifically geared towards recruitment of new nurses, promoting career advancement within nursing and improving patient care delivery. The programs also direct RNs into areas of greatest need – including public health departments, community health centers, and disproportionate share hospitals. Much of the funding is geared toward nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and primary care physicians. Funding is also provided through the National Health Services Corp (NHSC), which offers educational loans and scholarships to healthcare providers who will practice in areas of the country that have too few healthcare providers. The NHSC will in fact repay educational loans and will offer scholarships to primary care health care providers practicing in areas of the country that have too few health care professionals to serve the local population.

3 Remember Post Your Job Opportunities Here
October Page 3 Board of Directors 2012 Barbara Greenfield President (626) Rita Pathmanaban Vice President (714) Maryanne Sawoski Treasurer (818) Cell (818) Hector Chavez Recording Secretary Diane Manning Corresponding Secretary Cell: (949) Diana Campos Member at Large (membership) (818) Job Opportunities Remember Post Your Job Opportunities Here FREE for RNS Members! Please RSVP by , phone or mail by October 21st Call Kellie Kerr or Maryanne Sawoski. Office: (818) cell (818) Walking Programs in SCI October 25th meeting registration. Number of members _____ at $25.00 Number of non-members: _____ at $35.00 Name: __________________________________ Address: __________________________________ __________________________________ City: ____________________ State:_____ ZIP: ____________________ Detach and mail to…. ( Please include your check) Maryanne Sawoski, c/o RNS Continuity Care Home Nurses 12722 Riverside Drive, Suite #108 North Hollywood, CA 91607 Attention: Kellie Kerr Remember, if you register, you are still responsible for paying for the meal, even if you don’t attend.

4 October 2012 Page 4 RNS c/o RNS Policy on Advertising
Mark your calendar to attend The October 25th meeting ….. and don’t forget to RSVP by October 21st To your reservation, send an to: To RSVP by phone, call Kellie Kerr or Maryanne Sawoski (818) You can mail your registration to: Maryanne Sawoski, c/o RNS Continuity Care Home Nurses 12722 Riverside Drive, Suite #108 RNS Policy on Advertising Strictly limited to job openings and educational opportunities, such as conferences, etc. Current members may advertise for free. Not a current member: Pay membership dues ($50) to join RNS, after which they can advertise for free. Advertising will be a membership benefit. The duration of an advertisement will be limited to three months maximum or, it will be removed if no longer appropriate, when the event has occurred The Snail-Mailed version will have limitations based upon space available. However, the version of the newsletter, and on the web site, can be more flexible. A web page link will be included in printed and newsletter versions to refer to the reader more detailed advertisement information on the RNS website. We’re on the Web! see us at RNS c/o Toni Bethke, Webmaster 18A Journey, Suite 200 Aliso Viejo. CA 92656

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