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Kiswahili Team Presentation

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Presentation on theme: "Kiswahili Team Presentation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kiswahili Team Presentation
Curriculum Workshop for Textbook Publishers on Competency Based Education Day 3

2 Session Agenda Highlights on Current Book Assumptions
Competencies Introduced Improvements Made

3 The textbook is for Grade/Class 5
Highlights on Current Book We have selected Kiswahili Sanifu, published by Oxford University Press The textbook is for Grade/Class 5 We will discuss on Reading Skill according to the current syllabus

4 Highlights on Current Book continue
The current syllabus on Reading Skills wants a learner to read silently, comprehend and answer questions

5 Highlights on Current Book continue
On Reading Skills Objectives

6 Highlights on Current Book continue
This tends mainly to take the approach of preparing pupils for examinations The practice with many publishers was to present a passage, with questions after the passage, and sometimes some explanations of words used to the learners

7 Session Agenda Highlights on Current Book Assumptions
Competencies Introduced Improvements Made

8 Assumptions In a competence based syllabus, time allocated for Kiswahili period will be 40 minutes We envisage that reading activities will be allocated double periods; that makes it 80 minutes

9 Assumptions At Grade/Year 5, the level of pupils’ reading would have improved significantly according to national assessment on reading Performance Indicators We need, as Publishers, to maintain the standards or increase the performance to few points upwards

10 Session Agenda Highlights on Current Book Assumptions
Competencies Introduced Improvements Made

11 Competencies Introduced
Reading strategies such as fluency, speed, and answering questions and observation in groups Reading skills through individual pace, and peers/pairs to assess proficiency in vocabulary, discussions, comprehensions, summarizing points

12 Competencies Introduced continue
Reading for understanding content like filling in of tables and forms Be aware of the genre, the purpose, the audience and context of the text Be able to identify point of view and infer meaning from what they read Writing reports and simple reviews

13 Competencies Introduced continue
Give learners with reading difficulties more time to read While writing and orally answering questions, thinking skills and reasoning should be observed Assess all the above And keep learners portfolio on competencies achievement

14 Session Agenda Highlights on Current Book Assumptions
Competencies Introduced Improvements Made

15 Improvements Made Integrate Oral Skills while teaching Reading. We want the learners to communicate with each other What do you know? In pairs, look at the pictures. Which animal(s) do you know? Describe the animal(s).

16 Identify 3 to 7 animals by name,
Improvements Made Expected outcomes: Identify 3 to 7 animals by name, Describe the colour, shape, behaviour, what they eat/feed on, how they reproduce State if animal is wild and discuss their nature and significance to us

17 Test their vocabulary Check your vocabulary
Improvements Made continue Test their vocabulary Check your vocabulary Open page 106 and 107. Scan through the passage and pick these words: e.g. rasilimali, jihami, jangili, mkonga, pori. What do you think they mean? (NB: The exercise will vary from one passage to another)

18 Assess their skill on scanning text
Improvements Made continue Expected outcomes: Assess their skill on scanning text Assess their skill on inferring meaning at first glance or from their own prior knowledge Assess their ability of thinking on their own

19 Work in small groups and discuss the following questions.
Improvements Made continue Contextualizing Pre-reading task Work in small groups and discuss the following questions. (a) Have you visited an animal park? What do you think are in those parks? Why do we have national parks in Kenya?

20 Improvements Made continue
(b) Imagine what would happen if there are no national parks or wild animals in those parks? What might be some of the reasons that would result in reduction of wild animals in our national parks.

21 Improvements Made continue
Expected outcomes: Assess their ability to work in groups and collaborate in finding information Assess their ability to understand the bigger picture of national values of our country and role of citizens

22 Divide yourselves into two groups.
Improvements Made continue Actual reading done Reading Divide yourselves into two groups. Group A. Read what is in page 106 in 5 minutes. Group B. Read what is in page 107 in 5 minutes.

23 Improvements Made continue
Expected outcomes: Assess their ability to work in group and collaborate in reading together and keeping time Assess their ability to monitor each others pronunciation, speed and encouraging/motivating one another

24 Comprehending what is read Comprehension Check
Improvements Made continue Comprehending what is read Comprehension Check With your group, answer these questions to ensure you have understood the article or story: (NB: Retain the questions or rewrite them to respond to various competencies tested)

25 Improvements Made continue
Expected outcomes: Assess their ability to answer the questions logically Assess whether they can retell the story/article in their own words Assess how well the group worked together

26 Integrate other tools to get more information ICT Integration
Improvements Made continue Integrate other tools to get more information ICT Integration (i) Google images on the net and make an album of wild animals and where they are found in other countries

27 Improvements Made continue
(ii) Collect newspaper extracts online on statistics on poaching and what African governments are doing to curb it. Write your own report with your suggestion on what you should do as pupils to support your government move.

28 Expected outcomes: Assess their ability to make informed decisions
Improvements Made continue Expected outcomes: Assess their ability to make informed decisions Assess whether they value and appreciate their government’s efforts Assess pupils ability to interact and use further information from the net

29 Session Agenda Highlights on Current Book Assumptions
Competencies Introduced Improvements Made

30 Asanteni! Thank You!

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